This is a solid couple of hour crash course for generic Node.js concepts. The author did an alright job showing how blocking works, how to think about callbacks in general, and some of the features. The book reminds me some of Learn X the Hard Way without enough exercises. I'd recommend this book if you have absolutely no experience with Node.js. If you have a general grasp on blocking, callbacks, npm, require, and exports then you might be able to skip this. While the book doesn't go into any great detail on any of those subjects, if you don't feel comfortable with any of them then this might be a good refresher at the least. This isn't a book I'll reference often (if at all) but it is something I'd recommend to someone that's never touched node.js before. The author has done a good job of keeping the book and examples up to date (everything still works in v0.10.22). The author should write poetry instead of technical books. Too much text compared to the amount of information about node. The author promised a full application at the end of the book, but instead of giving at least one example of some kind of test for his code, he explains what a router or request handler is for. Good to know other books about node, because from them I know mocha, should, and assertions. No one example in this book. That reminds me to all this shitty "write your blog in 5 minutes" rails tutorials around the web.
Do You like book The Node Beginner Book (2011)?
A lot on unnecessary information - could be easily compressed 3x without loosing value.
Great starting point to get you thinking the right way.
Great beginner book with a nice worked example.