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The Night Eternal (2011)

The Night Eternal (2011)

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3.64 of 5 Votes: 5
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0061558265 (ISBN13: 9780061558269)
HarperCollins Publishers

About book The Night Eternal (2011)

The first two books in the trilogy were fun and kept me wanting to read, but "The Night Eternal" was wild! Interesting history of the vampires, the Master being the original, his origin absolutely unreal. Although the future of the world would have been much bleaker because of the nuclear winter, I did take one stupid pill and just rolled with the story. "The Strain" vampires are not Edward and the Cullen family... nothing romantic or appealing about these monsters. But for those who enjoy being sucked in by dark fantasy and seeing regular people become heroes, this series of books is for you. Per other reviews, this was my least favorite of the trilogy. I did like the biblical tie-in and that was probably the best part of the story. It felt like there wasn't much to say in this book - like much was filler and I had a hard time connecting with any of the characters - it felt like they were pretty static - that they didn't change much even though their world was turned upside down. It was nice to see how the story wrapped up, but it wasn't as thrilling or engrossing as the first two books.

Do You like book The Night Eternal (2011)?

Quite an arc from where the series starts to where it ends! I enjoyed it very much.

Great ending to the trilogy. Will make for an epic television series.

Loved this trilogy!

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