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The Night Before Thirty: A Novel (Strivers Row) (2005)

The Night Before Thirty: A Novel (Strivers Row) (2005)

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3.33 of 5 Votes: 2
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0812967984 (ISBN13: 9780812967982)
one world/strivers row

About book The Night Before Thirty: A Novel (Strivers Row) (2005)

I checked this book out from the library because I will be turning 30 this summer and wanted to read a fun story about turning 30. This is a story of 5 black women who are all turning 30 on Dec 1 and, after writing in their story about why they want to do so, they are picked by a radio station to go on a cruise to celebrate their birthday in style. The book tells the stories of each of these women and how they have an impact on each other's lives over the course of this weekend get-a-way. Overall it was an enjoyable read. It was not very deep and each woman's life is summarized in approximately 4 chapters each, with 2 being dedicated to their lives before the cruise - telling what prompted them to take the cruise in the first place, one being decidated to a momentous event in their life (as told to the others on the trip) and one being dedicated to how their lives change when they get home. Mixed in are a couple of short chapters about the trip itself, but overall it's a bit of a shallow read. You find yourself interested in these women to a point, but you don't have very much time to get attached to them before the story is over. While I did like the story, I didn't feel it left enough of an impression on me to rate it 3 stars.

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