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The Next Generation (2000)

The Next Generation (2000)

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About book The Next Generation (2000)

This is one of the better paranormal romance novels I have read. It is so real, raw and primal. There is a level of reality to it all and the more characters that are added, it's the better it gets. The rules are the authors own and any thing can happen at any time. Nothing is standard and I love it!You don't get time to be bored by the story, or the continuous addition of characters. There is always something new, but interesting. Honestly, I would love this as a TV series. It could be so good to see these characters come to life and plot would certainly not be a problem.Loved Nika, Julian, Arianna and even Trey. It's good to see them in their teenage years and with that ending, I hope to eventually see them grown. There are so many layers and stages to this series it's astounding. It is so well written and delivered. Even the continuous "miracles" of sort can be justified. There is always something new and interesting added to this story.I must admit though that both Nika and Julian annoyed me at times, but once again, this added to the awesome recounting of their stories. I can't even find a major problem with this one. Even the suspected cliff hanger doesn't bother me. It makes me anxious naturally, but I think I could wait, because when it comes, it tends to not disappoint! This whole series is a gem if you ask me!The introduction of Hunter was a curve ball that definitely enhanced the plot. I also love to see Halina in fighting mode and with Gabriel at her side, it only makes them even better. There is so many possibilities with this new plot and if you ask me, it's rather genius. Even Ben learned a secret :) Separate and apart, It was nice to get updates on the whole crew and to be apart of the inception, execution and apprehension that this new story line entailed. The characters are growing, a lot of changes and advances are happening and so much things are on the horizon for this family.This felt like a really good update and continuation of the 'Conversion' series, and as we go, it seems to get better with each installment. I didn't even miss conversing with the adults. I loved the vulnerability of seeing the events through Julian and Nika's eyes. It was very much protected, but also added that element of surprise and uncertainty. High school's never been better ;)As evolving and teenage paranormal romance goes, this one was a steal. I don't think I will get tied of this series any time soon, and I hope for many more books to come. Hey, I might even like to read until the line is completely diluted :DOnce again, many possibilities with this one, and I can't wait to continue on this journey. this is a hard one for me. s.c. stephens holds a special place in my heart and her novels in my favourite shelf. conversion was the first book i ever read of her and i fell in love with teren adams and emma became my favourite kick ass girl character. and then i read thoughtless and i was in literal heaven. kellan kyle became the definition of perfect guy for me. so, needless to say i was super excited to read another series by this tremendously talented author. the first few chapters were great but the then hunter told nika his secret and the story fell apart (for me, it did) it was all over the place! it was as if the author was trying too hard to make the pieces fall in perfectly aligned places... it just did not fit!and the whole julian and amber falling in love all of a sudden thing was just ughhh! i found myself skipping pages and rolling my eyes and stifling my yawn on several occasions! the 3rd star is for the sake of stephens and not for the story... i'm really hoping the rest of the series would get better

Do You like book The Next Generation (2000)?

Waiting for hunterxnika continuation.

I just want more Nikka and Hunter.!!!

OMG Sayyyyyy What??? Awesomeness;)


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