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The New Terrarium: Creating Beautiful Displays For Plants And Nature (2009)

The New Terrarium: Creating Beautiful Displays for Plants and Nature (2009)

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0307407314 (ISBN13: 9780307407313)
Clarkson Potter

About book The New Terrarium: Creating Beautiful Displays For Plants And Nature (2009)

Lots of history and instruction on terrariums. Funny that the 3 books I have read on the subject all suggest different "rules" for terrariums. Some say must use charcoal, so say don't. One book only used sand and the other said not to use as not a good drainage. What I have gathered is that it depends heavily on type of plant/terrarium you are creating and I will end up learning by trial and error. I apologize to all the plants that will give their lives in my learning phase. I loved reading this book! I grew up with terrariums--my mom loved them, and I helped her take care of them. It has long been my goal to bring a little bit of heaven (nature) indoors by making one of my own--hence, the purchase of this book. It did not disappoint, with great step-by-step instructions, plant suggestions and container ideas. Who knew that a tall glass candy jar (now residing proudly on my windowsill) purchased for a song at Ross could be recycled into a happy home for an orchid? I am now in hot pursuit of a glass cloche to house a begonia I have my eye on. Joy, joy, joy!

Do You like book The New Terrarium: Creating Beautiful Displays For Plants And Nature (2009)?

Just flipped through it. Love the terrarium idea, but feel too lazy to make any right now.

Good overview and a contemporary take on the topic from an excellent garden writer.

A helpful overview of terrariums for those looking to start their own.

I wish I had a glass factory to churn out terrarium containers.

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