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The Never (2013)

The Never (2013)

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3.43 of 5 Votes: 1
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0976372843 (ISBN13: 9780976372844)
Kristina Circelli

About book The Never (2013)

Kristin has a very unique and vivid storytelling ability. I enjoyed the story and it was an interesting twist on the traditional peter pan story, but could have liked Arianna more. She didn't seem to want to take responsibility for anything that happened in the book and it would have been cool to get more insight as to what was going on with John while she was in the Never and what her mom was thinking about the whole situation. When I read began reading the Never, I thought of The Never Ending Story meets Peter Pan with a female lead. With beautiful lands depicted and entertaining swordplay with pirates, I enjoyed reading The Never. Parts of the story reminded me of The Never Ending Story with the amazing lands and characters and parts reminded me of Peter Pan; the pirates and their Captain and the mermaids. The twist was a female lead and the storyline. At times it was a little like Never Ending Story but quickly veered into something bigger and darker which was a plus. Having that little extra something was pure genius. The Never is definitely not kiddyish with some scenes and language. This was an amazing story that took two of my favorite books and movies and smashed them together and spiced them up.

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I kept waiting for it to get better or at least start to make sense. I did not enjoy this book.

A really different story and I loved it

What a fantastic book.

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