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The Neighbor 1-3 [Box Set] (2013)

The Neighbor 1-3 [Box Set] (2013)

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Abby Weeks

About book The Neighbor 1-3 [Box Set] (2013)

First of all I want to convey that I do not condone cheating in a marriage, but since this is fiction all systems are a go. I loved this book! It kept me interested and wanting more. This book was better than the drawn out 3 book series. It didn't need a long history of the characters. It had the essentials: a couple, a problem, somebody trying to solve the problem, and in that process finding her true self. Perfect!To me this book was about a woman taking off her mask and revealing who she truly was inside. She got tired of being defined by her relationship to her husband, just being Ben's wife, and by her job. a teacher. She decided to be who she wanted to be, which was free!!! She didn't let society dictate what was normal for her.Sex is sometimes just sex. I applaud that she wanted to be used and used for a noble purpose, even if it is from a stranger, the neighbor or the valet, who knows will take care of her and not misuse her. Unlike Ben who looked at her as nothing and was disposable. I love when a woman is free to be who she decides to be and not wear a mask of what people call decency and civility. Before I even give my opinion of this really short three book set...I want to address some of the critics who call the author out for her strange lack of quotation marks when her characters speak, the idea that Janey is crazy or that she is a weak heroine. They were not an issue for me and I did not think Janey was unrealistic or nuts...she exists everywhere in many women.I picked up this free book on the recommendation of an author friend who writes erotica/romance and frankly, since not much shocks me, it sounded like an interesting idea. Yes, it's been done before (voyeurism is nothing new) but what started off to be a fun, sexy and kinky little erotic tease, turned out to be (for me) something much deeper. Women are many times made to feel like we are dependant on a man to validate who we are and many loving, faithful wives sit home while their businessmen husbands stay out till all hours at "business meetings" when they are in fact cheating. Janey does what many of us do...turns to comfort food, chick flicks and battery operated toys to satisfy what is lacking in her marriage...and believe me it is NOT all about sex. Ben is a selfish POS...using his wife's trust and lack of asserting herself to get away with pretty much all he wants. When her kind, lonely and very rich neighbor sees her through the window as she first tries on some lingerie (meant to be for her husband's eyes and to spice up their marriage) and witnesses her full on display...things get interesting and begin a cycle of Janey's attempt to push out of her comfort zone and get the attention she is lacking from Ben, elsewhere.I am interested to see where things go in the next 3 parts. A rather poignant and sad commentary of what it means to be unhappily married and unfufilled as a woman.**** 4 **** " a pool full of roses for a bathing beauty" stars

Do You like book The Neighbor 1-3 [Box Set] (2013)?

it was a good quick erotica read. don't know about the third part it was a bit to out there for me.

The story line just wasn't for me. It was well written.

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