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The Mystery Of The Fool And The Vanisher (2008)

The Mystery of The Fool and The Vanisher (2008)

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3.64 of 5 Votes: 2
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0763620963 (ISBN13: 9780763620967)
Candlewick Press

About book The Mystery Of The Fool And The Vanisher (2008)

Oh this book gave me feelings. And not for the usual reasons.The presentation and the multimedia approach to this story gets 5 stars, hands down. It's a beautiful book to look at. The photography is amazing and could tell a story all on its own. The writing, unfortunately, does not do the art justice in the least. It's an interesting story, but not well written. It stops and starts, and worst of all, it has none of the magic and intrigue of the art that's meant to accompany it. Maybe in the hands of another writer, it could've been done better. As it stands, however, the writing is an uncomfortable interlude between awesome art. An interesting and atmospheric book. The hauntingly beautiful photography creates a sense of magic and mystery, setting the mood perfectly. The layout, use of typography and colour design is aesthetically pleasing and easy on the eye. The whole book has a very mystical tone and the story has lingered in my mind ever since. I've lived by and been going to the South Downs ever since I was little. It has always felt like a magical place to explore and venture through, and that's probably why I love this book so much!

Do You like book The Mystery Of The Fool And The Vanisher (2008)?

Beautiful photographs, lackluster story. An easy, quick read.

The pictures are beauttiful. They really add to the story.

This was a short, creepy story with amazing pictures!

Cool photos.

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