This is Franzen's _The Corrections_ with Jews and food. I enjoyed parts of the book--nice eye for details, good sense of plot management with intriguing flashbacks and flash forwards. Yet, the characters are just miserable people who you really rather hate for their flaws. Petty, miserable, insensitive the whole lot of them. The only character I liked was Kenneth. And he was a minor minor character. And the last few sentences---worst end to a book, possibly ever! The part that sticks with me the most is when Edie's daughter-in-law follows her from her house to McDonald's to Burger King to the Chinese Restaurant. We all have days we would like to just forget about the calories and binge eat, but this is extreme. I enjoyed the characters in this book, their wants and desires, their pet peeves and hatred toward the actions of others. The ending left me a bit unfulfilled, but overall I was entertained.
Do You like book The Middlesteins (2012)?
I read this in a day! So good. Like "The Corrections" but better.
Enjoyed this book. Molly Ringwald did a great job narrating.
I am embarrassed to admit I read thisWasted my time