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The Memory Of A Salt Shaker (2012)

The Memory of a Salt Shaker (2012)

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3.32 of 5 Votes: 5
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Bernard M. Cox

About book The Memory Of A Salt Shaker (2012)

After finishing the book I stopped myself at an empty space. Don't know if anyone was watching me! I was immensely touched by the end. It is amazing to think and feel about how people come and go out of our lives and leaves an impression that persists for a long long time. We tend to remember the dead ones longer than what we do for the healthy souls. I didn't stop once, to think and see what was happening around me in the cafe where I started and finished reading this e-book. The story is short and mesmerised me deeply. Superb! If love and memories are tangible things that can be embedded into regular, everyday items, then it's possible that the people we love most can stay connected to us through items that hold onto their most treasured memories. This short story moved me to tears as I got to spend time with a man who clearly loved and missed his wife, almost to the point of altering his own life foreverI absolutely loved this story and am looking forward to Cox's entire collection coming out.

Do You like book The Memory Of A Salt Shaker (2012)?

The length people go to for true love is immeasurable.

Great short story. I wish it were a little longer!

a nice short story about love

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