About book The Mayo Clinic Diet: Eat Well. Enjoy Life. Lose Weight. (2012)
I was curious about what the Mayo Clinic diet entailed, but it's just basically common sense (eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and lay off the sugary stuff; move more!) and a bunch of feel-goodery -- nothing new to those of us who are already making healthier life choices. This might be a good starting point for beginners who have no idea where to start and who want to avoid nonsense fad diets. There are only a few recipes, so if you're looking for extensive meal-plans, this isn't it. Every January it seems I seek out the magic of a new diet that will allow me to lose fat, gain muscle mass, grow younger, and be able to leap tall building with a single bound, and other fairly ridiculous goals.This won't do it.Oh, yes, the lose fat part - it's a very sensible, balanced approach to food. If I was capable of being sensible and balanced about food, I probably wouldn't need this book!The fault is entirely my own, though. This is a decent, sensible book that provides data-based diet choices that anyone would benefit from.
Do You like book The Mayo Clinic Diet: Eat Well. Enjoy Life. Lose Weight. (2012)?
I am sure this is a great diet. I just am not in the place mentally I need to be in to use it.
I liked the emphasis on changing habits, a little at a time. Great resource.
VERY basic and needs more recipes, but nice layout and simple instructions.
Well organized. Solid information, but nothing new.