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The Marshmallow Incident (2009)

The Marshmallow Incident (2009)

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3.63 of 5 Votes: 1
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054504653X (ISBN13: 9780545046534)
Scholastic Press

About book The Marshmallow Incident (2009)

I had to wait more than 5 seconds for my son to respond to the question, "did you like this book?" He eventually said he did, but I could see in his eyes he wasn't quite prepared for the discrimination of lefties and righties with overbearing "we're better than you" knights (due to their ambidexterity). My son prefers the same story line per Dr. Seuss in the Butter Battle Book.The town of Left and the Town of right are separated by a dotted yellow line patrolled by knights. The town of left is comprised solely of left handers and likewise the town of right has only right handers. The knights, on the other hand (no pun intended) are ambidextrous. The supposed hilarity ensues when a righty trips across the yellow line and the knights rush in to "protect" the tow towns from each other armed with marshmallows. Eventually the marshmallows cover the line and the townspeople hold a meeting to end the separation.I do find the book comparable to current political events in the United States with the Lefties and Righties not being able to get along. There has been an invisible yellow line painted between the two parties with supposed ambidextrous leaders overseeing both. Perhaps 50,000 cases of marshmallows should be sent to capital hill. Fans of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs have something to celebrate - Jan Barrett has written a new book, this one just as fun as her others! This fanciful tale is set in the town of Left and the town of Right. Left-handed people live in the town of Left and right-handed people live in the town of Right, and no one ever crosses the line that divides them. Everything is fine until someone stumbles over the dividing line - chaos ensues! Readers will be recognize the wonderfully detailed illustrations as being similar to those in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Don't miss this one!--Review by Lauren

Do You like book The Marshmallow Incident (2009)?

The towns of left and right finally meet in the middle (and everywhere else).

A funny and creative story with excellent illustrations.

not as cute as the meatball book but still ok

An excellent little book. :)

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