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The Marked Ones (2013)

The Marked Ones (2013)

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4.01 of 5 Votes: 2
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1628900075 (ISBN13: 9781628900071)

About book The Marked Ones (2013)

I didnt know what to think of this book at first it had me wondering in the begining yet it pulled me along as I got deeper into it. A mermaid princess torn between high born suitors and the love of a human male that plays out much like a fantasy soap opera with twist and turns that you dont see coming. The book will be enjoyed by those who love the romance/fantasy themed stories, kinda like "Twilight" but for Mermaids. ** I received this book in exchange for an honest review. LoP (Lovers of Paranormal)**I really liked reading this book. It started out a little slow for me, but once I read on, it was a great read. The story line is easy to follow and is quite good. I liked the characters. The humor was good as well. I love how this book takes you on an adventure of sorts and leads you wanting to read book 2. It could use some editing, a few errors but not enough to take away from the story. A good add for your tbr list.

Do You like book The Marked Ones (2013)?

Great book. I got sucked in from the from first page. Can't wait to read the next instalment.

Was hard to get through,the main character is 28. I found her unappealing.

Completely captivating book. READ IT NOW! Hurry up book 2 :)


3.5 stars

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