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The Mandala Of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventures Of The Great Detective In India And Tibet (2003)

The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventures of the Great Detective in India and Tibet (2003)

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4.31 of 5 Votes: 4
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1582343284 (ISBN13: 9781582343280)
bloomsbury usa

About book The Mandala Of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventures Of The Great Detective In India And Tibet (2003)

I gave this book the lowest rating that I’ve ever given a book I reviewed. However, there’s a selection bias at work. I don’t finish (and rarely start, for that matter) books that are so horrible that they’d get a lesser rating. Ergo, any book that I finish and review has some redeeming qualities. I’ll leave it to the reader to determine whether these redeeming qualities will outweigh the deficiencies of story in this book. The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes takes our beloved detective out of London and onto a trip from Bombay to Shangri La by way of Shimla (India) and Lhasa (Tibet.) It’s one of several pieces of Great Hiatus fan fiction out there. (I recently saw an addition that took Holmes to Japan.) Fans of Sherlock Holmes will be aware that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle became tired of the character at one point and killed him off (along with Professor Moriarty) at Reichenbach Falls. Holmes was “revived” several years later due to popular demand (and—perhaps—Doyle’s need for funds), leaving fans / authors to speculate what the detective did during his time in hiding (i.e. the so-called Great Hiatus.) This particular work tells us that Holmes spent his time in the Himalayas. It’s as good a setting as any, given that fascination with the esoteric Himalayan world was building in the West during this time. In an interesting feature, Norbu’s book brings in a fictional character from Rudyard Kipling’s Kim, Hurree Mookherjee, to serve as Holmes’s sidekick. (FYI: Kim was published during the Great Hiatus years.) The story involves shadowy plots against both Holmes and a young 13th Dalai Lama (this was the predecessor of the current Dalai Lama) that are incidental to obtaining a powerful mandala. I’ll begin with the strengths of the work before I tear into what I found objectionable about the book. The author, Jamyang Norbu, clearly did his research, and there are some fascinating tidbits and insights into that era of South Asia history. As a Tibetan, Norbu, paints an intriguing travelogue of the territory that Holmes and Hurree traverse. Also on a positive note, I’d rate the readability of this work to be high. It doesn’t follow the 19th century so closely that it falls into the purple prose and general verbosity of that century’s literature, and I think that’s a good thing. The author manages to create a bit of the feel of 19th century literature without falling off the abyss.The book’s negative qualities are disproportionately loaded toward the back of the book. (Part of what keeps one reading and engaged is that it seems like the book could turn out well.) Let me begin with one minor character defect of the book which is that not all of the chapters advance the story; a few are descriptive like travelogues. However, most of said chapters are so short that it’s not that problematic. I should note that one star that might’ve been obtained for originality must be forfeited because there’s no shortage of books following the same general premise. But the story’s major flaw is that devolves into supernatural speculative fiction done poorly. Let me say, I’m not against the supernatural genre in theory. However, as with stories about Superman, these tales are exceedingly easy to do poorly and extremely difficult to do well. In the real world, tension is easily created because the reader knows many of the limits that characters face, and a good writer forces his characters up against some of those limits. However, when characters seem to be limited by the laws of physics, but then just start pulling magic rabbits out of their hats, the tension drains. We assume our protagonist will prevail and the antagonist will be thwarted. The odds stacked against our hero(es) don’t matter if one expects they’ll pull out a—proverbial or otherwise--magic wand and claim a cheap victory. If one wants to do the supernatural well, one needs to not only make the antagonist stronger (which Mr. Norbu does), but one has to know what everybody’s limits are. Otherwise, it’s just a cheap spectacle. [I should point out that Hurree does engage in a non-magical action that is critically timed during a key moment of the story, and some readers may feel that this absolves the novel of its ham-handed introduction of the supernatural.] There’s another problem with the degree to which the book hinges on the supernatural, and that is specific to the domain of Holmes. The supernatural is usually something to be debunked in the Holmesian domain. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Holmes is a product of the dawning of the age of rationality, and he is a man of science. Doyle’s Holmes may accept the possibility of the supernatural and apparently supernatural elements may make appearances, but Holmes is always looking for an explanation rooted in logic and favoring the possible. While Norbu goes to great lengths to capture the flavor of Holmes in many aspects, he abandons the character altogether in favor a world that looks neither like our own nor the one Arthur Conan Doyle created. The disappointment of this book is that it looks like it’s on a trajectory to hit its mark, but then sails wildly off target. If you like supernatural fiction and you don’t mind that magic suddenly pops up to shape the climax of the book out of the blue, by all means pick this book up. Otherwise, I can’t say that I’d recommend it for Holmes’ fans.

Điều đầu tiên khiến mình ko thích lắm ở quyển này là việc tác giả đã sd quá nhiều từ địa phương 1-cách-ko-cần-thiết. Nhưng dẫu sao đó cũng chỉ là ấn tượng ban đầu, có thể thích nghi được. Tuy nhiên, mình hoàn toàn ko thích cách Hurree - nhân vật "tôi" trong truyện lí tưởng hoá Holmes lên [thậm chí là thần thánh hoá] như thế! Kể chuyện dưới ngôi thứ nhất là 1 công việc khó, và ko tránh khỏi những nhận xét cảm tính, nhưng mình tin bất cứ người đọc nào cũng cảm thấy tình cảm ngưỡng mộ mà Hurree dành cho Holmes là 1 điều gì đó khó thuyết phục, theo bất cứ cách hiểu nào. Những mĩ từ gần như tuyệt đối đó cứ lặp đi lặp lại khiến mình cảm thấy như đang bị áp đặt cảm giác theo quan điểm của người kể, trong khi mình đã quá quen với 1 Holmes tài năng nhưng cũng đầy tật xấu và đôi khi cả ngốc xít nữa!?Mặc dù mình rất rất ngưỡng mộ bộ óc vĩ đại của Holmes, nhưng xét cho cùng việc hư cấu ông thành 1 Lạt ma và hơn thế nữa lại so sánh "Trên đời này chưa từng có vị Lạt ma nào thực sự xứng đáng với bộ áo choàng tu sĩ của mình hơn người bạn thân thiết của tôi" thì.........4 sao cho nửa đầu truyện, nhưng càng về sau Jamyang Norbu càng khiến mình thất vọng, rất nhiều sự thất vọng. Điều gần như đầu tiên khiến ng đọc đến với Sherlock Holmes của Doyle và trung thành với ông tới cùng chính là những suy luận LOGIC - điều mà Norbu đã ko mấy thành công ở những chi tiết mấu chốt cuối truyện. 1 kết cục dù cố tỏ ra tự nhiên vẫn k thể nào che giấu được sự khiên cưỡng.Dù sao... Cũng thật cảm ơn vì sự có mặt của tiểu thuyết này.....

Do You like book The Mandala Of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventures Of The Great Detective In India And Tibet (2003)?

Yep, I totally loved this book. Norbu's book brilliantly recounts the mysterious adventures of Holmes in India and Tibet following the Reichenbach fall, as narrated from the point of view of Huree Chunder Mookerjee, a Bengali spy. Norbu brings together Holmes and Huree, also a character in Kipling's fiction, to investigate a Chinese plot against the Dalai Lama himself. This book is so awesome because it interprets Holmes' singular skills at observation, deduction and concentration according to Buddhist precepts. Huree is also a scientific man (of which we have proof from his numerous discussions of Herbert Spencer, one of the most well-read authors at the turn of the century, far outstripping Darwin in popularity--very authentic!), but soon comes face to face with the highly improbable! Aside from the best ending I've read in a good long while, this book is awesome because it recounts the increasing political tension between Tibet and China during the life of the 13th Dalai Lama, and helps educate the reader about the rich culture and religion of Tibet, whose sacred places were irrevocably damaged by subsequent Chinese invasion.

This book is the latest and most esoteric chapter of Sherlock Holmes’ life. I give credit to the author for filling in those last two blank years in the sleuth’s life. I also credit him for remaining true to Sir Arthur’s unique narrative style. Not only was the dialogue spoken in the same self-conscious British manner, but an Indian Watson was pulled from the pages of Rudyard Kipling’s Kim. This sub-continental Watson fulfilled his given role perfectly; trusting in Holmes’ powers and willing to assist him but not always able to understand his motives. There was also the timely arrival of Holmes’ archenemy, Professor Moriarty, to complete the picture. Overall, the author’s addition to the Holmesania was sincere and stylistically sound.tI don’t know how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would have reacted to the notion that his brainchild’s brilliant powers of observation and deduction arouse from the fact that he was actually a reembodied Tibetan yogi. The author gives convincing evidence for his claim – Holmes’ celibacy, incredible mental powers, austerity, occasional melancholy moods, and in the context of this novel, his burning desire to visit Tibet which, at that time, was not at all hospitable to foreigners. This also explains why Holmes spent his two missing years in Tibet and India all tells where he went after he finished his crime-solving career. It does paint a more romantic picture of Holmes’ retirement than him moldering away in a London flat. However, whenever I think of the benighted champion of Victorian England that is Sherlock Holmes’ creator, I can’t help but picture him spinning in his grave because his hero has how left the realm of the rational and flown directly into the arms of the mystic.
—Erica Mukherjee

I'm delighted to report (and embarrased to admit) that it was Sibyl R with our Monday Night Mystery group who put the name to the game, and made me aware of the Sherlock Holmes pastiche, a genre of mystery that's a mashup of new fiction based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character and setting. Browsing Bookwagon the next weekend - there it was, a table-top of Sherlock Holmes pastiches, where I found Norbu's The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes. Perfect.The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes is the tale of Holmes' missing years in Tibet and India as written by Hurree Chunder Mookerjee (Kipling's pride of Bow Bazar) and discovered years later by Norbu. It's a delightful account of the master detective in these exotic countries, where his amazing skills and intuition are as effective as they are in merry old England. Mookerjee, who is Holmes' Watson in these travels, is a marvelous narrative device to explain the strangeness of the lands and customs, and detail Holmes' deductions.This passage from Chapter 17, where Mookerjee and Holmes are in Lhassa City, the life of the Grand Lama at risk. "'Come, Hurree," he cried, 'the game's afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come.' 'Why, Mr Holmes? What is the...' I began to ask, but he had already left the room. I did as I was ordered and was ready in a trice. Tying the lappets of my old rabbit-skin cap under my chin, I ran out through the living room to the courtyard, where some of the servants were hurriedly saddling our ponies. In a short time Mr Holmes, Tsering and I were on our steeds."The fun, authenticity of the work is continued with an explanatory preface, maps of Tibet and Llassa City, footnotes and a glossary. Highly recommended! -Ashland Mystery
—Ashland Mystery Oregon

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