About book The Madwoman In The Volvo: My Year Of Raging Hormones (2014)
Parte anche bene. Ritmo da tachicardia, scrittura nervosa ma ben controllata. Per spiegare cosa accade a una quasi cinquantenne sull'orlo della metamorfosi ormonale, sembra un thriller. Poi, inesorabilmente, va pressoché interamente in vacca tra lunghe tirate sulle diete migliori, l'ossessione per l'esercizio fisico, il tira e molla isterico tra vecchi e nuovi amori. In metà pagine ci stava tutto. Wow, I have always had the blessing of the right book presenting itself at the right moment. This book was a wonderful book of hilarity and insight. The author is in the stages of peri-menopause and menopause when she is writing this book. She frequently and humorously lambastes the antidotes that American society presents us with for dealing with life. She realizes that the struggles and challenges of living are no different than those of previous decades. It is just that the hormones in her body are different. And she may be just a tad bit “edgy”. Plus she is having a hard time concentrating. She tries lots of solutions and reads up on the subject. She also talks it over with many people. Her conclusions make sense to me:1) Go all out for your 50th birthday. It is a milestone and something to celebrate.2) Embrace the hot flashes. Tibetan monks actually induce them for enlightenment. Hey, we (menopausal women) get them for free!3) Remember this is just another STAGE in your life.4) After this phase, there are still years and years ahead of you to do more great things.5) Control the chaos. Your body is already acting chaotically so try to keep the other chaos at bay—e.g. out of control household; overscheduling.6) LAUGH.7) Spend time with young people. The title of the book is a winner. Sandra does a nice job of comparing herself to her aging Volvo. I loved this comparison because so often my own car is an outgrowth of my personality and the many assorted projects I am pursuing at any one time. Another note, Sandra’s description of making her mix-tape for her 50th birthday party was just marvelous. I liked Sandra’s comments on “manopause” because I do believe that is a real thing. We all suffer a little in our middle years. I laughed when she mentioned the books When I am old I will wear purple and Women who run with wolves. Super-feminist that I am I devoured those books in my 30s. It makes me happy to be ahead of the curve! There were frequent times when I laughed so hard while reading this. She just NAILS IT! Thank you.
Do You like book The Madwoman In The Volvo: My Year Of Raging Hormones (2014)?
Read the first half, skimmed the rest. I wish the book had been as good as the title.
Bouncy, uneven but so forthright .. we never really grow up.
about one woman's experience and advice of menopause
Fun, quick, witty...and so many truths!