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The Lost Valentine (2010)

The Lost Valentine (2010)

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031254748X (ISBN13: 9780312547486)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

About book The Lost Valentine (2010)

Un libro dulce pro demás, lindo, con una historia de amor tan corta, pero tan profunda a la vez, me ha parecido demasiado romántica y dramática para mi gusto, pero pese a todo eso ha valido la pena.Comencé a leerlo porque anteriormente vi The Lost Valentine con Betty White y Jennifer Love Hewitt, hasta que vi los créditos finales (después de llorar y llorar) me enteré de que estaba basada en un libro. En cuanto pude lo conseguí. No he llorado como en la película, pero en cambio he logrado tener más detalles y hacer placentera mi lectura. I already saw the movie before I read the book. And what can I say, both made me teary-eyed :PThough the story is quite similar to "The Notebook", I like it because they have part where they mentioned Philippines and they have Filipino guerrillas cast involved which made me think of reading more about the Pacific War during World War II. Kinda bias about my comment but I really like the story of the book. :)

Do You like book The Lost Valentine (2010)?

WWII love story. Maybe a little idealistic, but I liked it. Just a nice mushy love story.

Pretty good, but liked the movie way better.

Great love story that spans time.

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