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The Loopy Coop Hens (2011)

The Loopy Coop Hens (2011)

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3.25 of 5 Votes: 3
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0525421904 (ISBN13: 9780525421900)
Dutton Juvenile

About book The Loopy Coop Hens (2011)

The Loopy Coop Hens has very simple illustrations, but are really clear; it depends on what you like. I like more complex illustrations, but for someone who likes the simple illustrations, they are wonderful. The story is funny. At the end of the story all of the chickens find out that the rooster cannot fly, but they love him just the same. There are some deeper meanings hidden within the text that you could use for students.I gave this book 4 stars, and that was strictly because of the story itself. If I were to rate it based on the illustrations, I would say 3 stars. Midge and Pip and Dot are hens. They live on Loopy Coop Farm.They love Rooster Sam.Sam is cool and wonderful and he can fly. They're so impressed. Finally, they follow him and discover he's hop/jumping up to the roof.Rooster Sam does not fly at all!"He didn't fly," says Midge."He hopped," says Pip.And then he walked," says Dot.Oh.Ow."But you know," says Midge."His toes are golden yellow.""And his comb falls just so, over one eye," says Pip."And his tail is as white as snow," says Dot."Yes," they say.They love their Rooster Sam.

Do You like book The Loopy Coop Hens (2011)?

Not my favorite of the chick/chicken themed books, but I'm strangely drawn to the illustrations.

Three hens. In love with Rooster Sam. Determined to figure out how to fly. Very funny.

The hens of Loopy Coop want to fly like Rooster Sam. But does Sam really fly?

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