The human characters and their backgrounds, relationships, interactions etc., was interesting and at time made for some funny moments. The pigeon consciousness on the other hand - although it helped fill in a few holes and whatnot - was mostly distracting. For an animal that described itself as bird-brained, it spoke (thought) with an eloquence not unlike the characters in A Clockwork Orange or 'V' from V for Vendetta, but that only served to slow the pace of the book somewhat as I tried to decipher what it was saying.A bit of a Marmite book, I think.
Such low attention spans for some of those that tried to read this book! I really enjoyed it and the pidgin speak Is nothing to those of us that read train spotting twenty years ago. My twin fascination with Murray and with the surreal pigeon element kept me going to the end. I DID find myself flicking back to chapters gone by to see how it all fitted in and I am still thinking about it the day after. It's not perfect but it's surely entertaining and different from your run of the mill by numbers join the dot novel.