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The Light Keepers (2012)

The Light Keepers (2012)

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Guardian Tree Press

About book The Light Keepers (2012)

Although I did like this prequel more than I expected to, I still wasn’t “hooked.” I was bugged a bit by the use of nei and ja... Sometimes dialectal quirks can work, but for some reason this one didn’t. I was also a bit hesitant to swallow the “there is a boy you’re destined to be with” plot device. I was, however, intrigued by the idea of “shadow walking” and its positive/negative aspects, although the seductive villain came off as a bit cliche. I will admit, I’m curious about where this will go, but part of me fears it will fall prey to predictability.3.5 stars. It was a fun and quick novella, that got me started into the series. I immediately bought the first book, after a few free chapters contained here, which I guess made it a very efficient novella at that! :)Fun and quick, kind of mysterious. The main character, Astrid, can't find her voice. There is lots of magic and inner torture. A battle between her inner light and inner darkness. I'm looking forward to this first book!

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Suspenseful, thrilling and mysterious enough to keep me guessing.Interesting magic system too.

Did not like it, couldn't get into it. It was a struggle to even try and continue reading it.

Free book. Good but was not interested in the rest of series

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