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The Life And Loves Of A He Devil: A Memoir (2000)

The Life and Loves of a He Devil: A Memoir (2000)

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1444790269 (ISBN13: 9781444790269)

About book The Life And Loves Of A He Devil: A Memoir (2000)

I'm a huge fan of Graham and his humor so naturally I picked this book off the shelf knowing that I would enjoy it. The format of the book is great,with Graham talking about eight different things that he loves,one for each chapter. All the while he gives us the background of his life and tells funny stories about his adventures. I especially enjoyed the chapters on his dogs and Ireland. I recommend to fans and anyone who fancies having a funny,enjoyable read! I didn't really like this book, or to be more exact, I didn't like the character it revealed within its pages. I don't think I have ever been reminded so much in any memoir or biography of the amount of money the writer has at their disposal. Though I watch him on TV, it appears that his brand of comedy does not appeal to me in book form. I was more than once feeling very sorry for the people he made disparaging comments about. And then at the end of the book he shows himself to be completely hypocritical on one particular point. The book is easy to read and engaging if you can park your reservations, as I did. It is honest and that is the best thing I can say about it. I am aware that not everyone will share my dislike of this particular character, and so may enjoy the book very much, but it simply wasn't for me. The quote on the back cover reads ' If dignity is something that interests you, never get a dog'... I've shared my life with many dogs and have never encountered the type of incident Norton describes. I probably sound dry and boring but I didn't find it funny and take issue with his assertion. I could go on, but for my own peace & for yours I will leave it at that.

Do You like book The Life And Loves Of A He Devil: A Memoir (2000)?

A trifle of a book but Graham Norton will always be at the top of My Perfect Party guest list.

I love this presenter. I don't love his rather dull book. Disappointed.

Parts of this book were laugh out loud funny! Definitely worth a read.

Funny, clever, honest and well written. A joy to read. Loved it.


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