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The Law Is A Lady (Language Of Love #2 - Hollyhock) (1992)

The Law Is a Lady (Language of Love #2 - Hollyhock) (1992)

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0373510020 (ISBN13: 9780373510023)

About book The Law Is A Lady (Language Of Love #2 - Hollyhock) (1992)

Hollywood director Philip Kincaid was searching for the perfect location for his latest movie, paying no attention to the speed limit in Friendly, New Mexico. When he was pulled over by Friendly's only deputy, Phil refuses to sign the ticket, finding himself under arrest. Furious, he still managed to acknowledge the surge of an entirely different emotion when he laid eyes on the temporary sheriff, Victoria Ashton.A successful lawyer, Tory was home to cover her late father's job until it is time for an election. She has no time for an arrogant, self-important Hollywood big shot. Not even one who makes her feel funny inside.An older book from 1984, formerly from the Silhouette Romance line, The Law is a Lady just helps prove why Roberts is one of the best romance writers in the business, a woman who regularly appears on the bestseller list. Romance, humor, and a taste for the small town way of life all make this a fast and wonderful read.Roberts' characters are very three dimensional, with their own foibles and strengths, making them people you think you could know. Side stories include a young boy on the edge of manhood who may be abused, a deputy who gets involved with an actress in town for the filming, and a shaky relationship between Tory and her mother, the woman she blames for her father's ultimate death.If you're looking for a fun couple of hours, pick this book up at your local used book store. You won't be sorry.

A pesar de ser un Harlequín, lo que podría considerarse un punto en contra, lo he disfrutado muchísimo. Supongo que también afectó el hecho de que hacía días que no leía nada de romántica. El caso es que me he reído bastante, especialmente un par de escenas al principio y al final de la novela. La pega: que un Harlequín!!!!! Es una pena, porque el libro daría para unas 150 páginas más: hay tramas secundarias que se podrían haber desarrollado más ampliamente, la relación de los protagonistas podría haber tenido escenas más largas, con los secundarios te quedas con las ganas de saber más de ellos, conocer más sobre los entresijos de sus profesiones...Es un libro sencillo, rápido y con pocas pretensiones de ser algo más.Así que siendo lo que es, se queda en un 8, sobre todo por la sensación de satisfacción que me ha dejado al terminarlo, más que otra cosa...Estáis avisados. :)

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Acabei este há pouco; gostei, é daqueles que valem a pena. Fartei-me de rir com o início, primeiro com as ideias de Merle sobre perseguições a alta velocidade e outras ideias heroicas em que ele seria, claro, o protagonista; depois a teimosia de Phil em não assinar a multa e depois, já na esquadra, a ser preso. Muito engraçado! E o advogado dele também foi engraçado.Gostei da pequena cidade de Friendly, foi giro ler sobre aqueles habitantes e acompanhar Tory no seu trabalho enquanto xerife. E o final foi mesmo fofinho!
—Sonia Cristina

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