Do You like book The Last Fix (2010)?
Fans of Scandinavian Crime Fiction, without a doubt, are familiar with the work of K. O. Dahl and Detective Frølich series (We recently reviewed The Fourth Man from the same author here). The Last Fix, an intricate psychological thriller from this master of Norwegian crimewriting— the latest in the Oslo Detective’s series is also an intriguing and captivating read.In this new novel, a recovering drug addict, Katrine Bratterud, is almost finished with her time in rehab. One evening, contemplating her success at the shore of a lake, she senses that she is not alone. The discovery of Katrine’s corpse the following day brings detectives Frølich and Gunnarstranda onto the case and into a web of secrets and lies that stretches back generations. K.O. Dahl weaves an intricate plot, juxtaposing the selfdelusion of drug addicts with the more complex self-delusions of the well-respected middle-class people treating them.Similar to other Frølich novels, Dahl has added a poetic and emotional flavor to an essentially police procedural through protraying the complex relationships in which the characters in the book are dealing and the challenges in their lives. As a matter of fact, this aspect of Dahl novels are more interesting than the mystery side of his plots. The result is a crime fiction, enriched with a broader treatment of a culture and the changes in which the modern Norwegian society is going through. After reading many crime stories, I have eveloped the instinct to guess the story-lines and the endings but what makes this book a notable work is a different voice. I found the writing elegant, the storyline solid and the conclusion satisfactory. Overall, it was a great read in the genre of police procedural.I recommend this book to the fans of Scandinavian crime fiction and give it 5 out of 5 stars. More at or @mysterytribune
Ich mochte diesen Krimi. Die beiden norwegischen Kommissare sind so schrullig dass sie liebenswert sind, und haben einige widersprüchliche Facetten, was das Ganze nur noch lesenswerter macht. Das Gleiche gilt für die anderen auftretenden Personen. Der Plot an sich war spannend und durch einige philosophische Einsprengsel teilweise sogar anregend - selten für einen Krimi. Das Ende fand ich nicht ganz überzeugend, daher "nur" 4 Sterne, ansonsten aber werde ich diese Krimirehie definitiv weiterverfolgen!
Um bom mistério, uma resolução razoável, mas uma conclusão muito forçada. «Morte Numa Noite de Verão» começa muito bem: Katrine, uma ex-toxicodependente, cujo atribulado passado vamos conhecendo ao longo do livro, é assassinada depois de sair de uma festa. Os suspeitos são muitos e encontrar o verdadeiro homicida é tarefa que se adivinha complicada.Infelizmente, a intriga e curiosidade que senti ao início acabou por esmorecer, bem como, consequentemente, o meu interesse no livro. A investigação segue em compasso lento e o final - tanto a identidade do assassino como os seus motivos - acabou por ser uma desilusão; o que acontece sempre quando, curiosos, vamos criando enredos e arranjando respostas muito mais interessantes na nossa cabeça. Gostei do livro mas já tive oportunidade de ler, dentro do mesmo género, muito melhor. Em relação à série, embora não antipatize com os investigadores Frølich e Gunnarstranda, não fiquei muito entusiasmada...
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