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The Lady Risks All (2012)

The Lady Risks All (2012)

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0062068636 (ISBN13: 9780062068637)

About book The Lady Risks All (2012)

I really enjoyed the characters in this book. The hero and heroine fit so well together and I also loved the supporting cast of characters. The love his sisters, mother and sister-in-law have for him is touching and they thoroughly understand the sacrifice he has made for him and wish things could be different. Likewise the relationship between the heroine and her brother is also sweet and touching. This delightful romp works so well because our heroine is twenty-nine. While still a virgin she no longer expects to marry. She does still expect to care about her brother so when she follows him to the door of London's notorious gambling king, she expects the worst. But all is definitely not what it appears. When her brother disappears and her aunt wants to avoid scandal, she goes to that same gambling king to enlist aid. Neville Roscoe, once Lord Julian delBraithe, is so much more than he appears and so us the lovely woman before him. Against his better judgement he takes her on the rescue mission and falls in love. The ending has a terrific twist that remains true to the story. The narrator nailed characters and pacing and neither overplayed nor underplayed the sexual tension or the sex. One Of the best romances I've listened to.

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As always I get so involved in Stephanie's characters and love that she has me enthralled.

Standard Laurens. Enjoyable but maybe a little predictable at this point.

3 stars

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