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The King's Druidess (2000)

The King's Druidess (2000)

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About book The King's Druidess (2000)

This short was a little bit of a mess. Really interesting world and magic - I don't read a lot set in this time period or location 5th century Ireland, so maybe if I'd come in with more knowledge about Druids and magi then I would have been able to follow better. As it was, there were a lot of gods popping in and out and changing form, a lot of unexplained magical rules, and various other confusions that left be a little bewildered. The core story is simple enough, but with all the gods popping down and all there's a certain amount of deus ex machina going on to resolve the plot. Ultimately, I would check out the full series to see if the author does better with a longer word count. This is a short story or novelette prelude to Sky Purington’s McLomain series (Fate’s Monolith, Destiny’s Denial and Sylvan Mist). Purington also has written other series.This novelette begins with a sensual scene of Chiomara (a druidess of the goddess Brigit) meeting King Erc for a mystical coupling in the circle of the stones before his forthcoming marriage. The king is very taken with her and Chiomara herself has had feelings for Erc for a long time; however, their destiny may not allow them to be together. Despite this, they will have a predestined child.There are many Celtic elements to this short read that are interesting and overall it’s a nice story. Because it’s so short (listed at 48 pages), there isn’t time to develop things. For example, Chiomara is a druidess and while we see her pray to her patron, Brigit, the goddess of divination and that she blesses the bread of some of King Erc’s subjects, there is no other detail about her druid practices and what she’s capable of.The time-travel element which comes in at the end also seems to be used to bring the reader up to speed for the next book but is too quick and very unsatisfying.If you liked the McLomain series and want a bit more, this is a nice tidbit but I’d wait for a free Amazon day to download it.

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Super short book. There were more previews for up coming books then there was a story.

it was alittle to short. The book was still good just to short.

very short , but sweet , read

VERY short prequel

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