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The Kama Sutra Of Vatsyayana (2002)

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana (2002)

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0375759247 (ISBN13: 9780375759246)
modern library

About book The Kama Sutra Of Vatsyayana (2002)

"Get a bigger flute!" "Increase ur Size! 6" "Don’t walk with tail between your legs." "V|agr.a, C|a.li5, and Phen.term.|ne CHeep!!"Was the Kama Sutra the original idea for spam email?"Take pomegranate and cucumber seeds, extract the juice of elabāluka (eluva, Gisekia pharmaceoides) and bhatakataiyā (Solanum indicum, eggplant). Cook in oil over a low heat. Use it to massage the penis. It will remain swollen for six months."...It didn't sound so bad until I got to the last line..."Ram's or he-goat's testicles boiled in sugared milk increase sexual prowess."...Can I have some more Rocky Mountain Oyster Pudding, grandma?"If a man anoints his penis with datura, black pepper [maricha], and long pepper [pippalī], crushed and mixed with honey, its use will allow him to bewitch and subjugate his partners."...Or at least cause them to be doubled over in fiery pain.Once you're done mucking about with spicy peppers, priapisms, and testes, why not try this ancient recipe:"By rubbing one's hand with the excrements of a peacock, which has been made to take haritāla [yellow myrobalan] and manashilā [red arsenic], everything one touches becomes invisible."...Infallable.Okay, in an attempt to save you, Dear Reader, a ton of time may I present:All You Will Ever Need To Know About the Kama Sutra*1) There are no pictures in the original Kama Sutra, much to the chagrin of reviewers on Amazon.2) For the naughtiest parts, go straight to Chapter Six3) You aren't going to learn any new tricks unless you're a sweet, innocent teenager.4) The Kama Sutra is extremely repetitive. (This explains my low-ish rating - I'd probably put it at a 2.5. And those stars are just there for the aforementioned chuckles at the insanity. Ancient people were batshitcrazy. It's a miracle we're still around.) There is a good reason for the repetitiveness - as a teaching text, a student is supposed to read the original with enlightened commentary. Unfortunately this translation includes 2 extra commentaries after every paragraph. The translator even apologizes in the intro for its "maladroitness." Even with good reason, doesn't make it fun to read.5) A lot of the advice is violent - scratching, slapping, bleeding, etc. 6) The Kama Sutra wasn't exactly written by Vātsyāyana - he collected the "erotic science" sections of the Kama Shastra (which were becoming harder and harder to find).7) The history of the Kama Sutra is interesting, as is the background of the three Shastras - go learn about them. Maybe I'm too dense, but I didn't learn much about history by reading the original text.8) The Kama Sutra tries to explain all sexual practices, even those that are not recommended or are forbidden. Vātsyāyana felt it very important to be complete. Which I can get behind.*(unless you are an ancient Indian scholar, of course.)

Je suis un peu beaucoup partagé avec ce livre.Au début, je pensais qu’il s’agissait d’un simple guide sur le Kamasutra. Vous savez, les positions sexuelles que tout le monde essaye de faire au lit, mais en général on en fait que trois sur la longue liste XD (la meilleure reste l’étoile de mer ceci dit :3). Eh ben, je me suis foutu le coude dans l’œil (ouais, je sais ça fait mal).Kamasutra reste un guide, mais plus axé sur la partie relationnelle. Il vous explique l’origine du Kamasutra et SURTOUT comment ça se passe entre un homme et une femme. De la rencontre au plan cul en passant par la drague et plein d’autre chose.Alors, vous vous dites « mais si ça ne parle pas que de cul, ça parle de quoi ? » *mine déçue* Réponse : tout simplement de la relation que doit entretenir un homme avec une femme. Comment un homme doit s’y prendre avec une femme qui lui plait, comment la combler, comment lui parler, la séduire. En gros, ceux sont des sujet qu’on trouve dans les magazines d’ado ou d’adulte style potins (Eh ! Je vous vois venir, non je ne parle pas des mags X, bande de pervers… :p). Mais ici, c’est beaucoup plus détaillé avec un langage soutenu et un vocabulaire indien. Si on prend beaucoup de recul, on se rend compte que ce qui se faisait à l’époque est toujours valable actuellement, mais selon la situation, il peut être très mal perçu. Par exemple, le cas des bitch matérialistes (celles qui vous volent votre mec/nana sans ou avec raison). Dans le livre, on explique pourquoi elles sont comme cela et surtout comment elles s’y prennent pour le faire. Après, est-ce que c’est réprimé par la loi? Aucune idée XDLe livre utilise pas mal de mots indiens (chose que j’avais du mal à capter au départ, exemple : lingam et yoni, je vous laisse deviner de quoi il s’agit) chose normale je dirais, mais ce qui est bien à savoir, c’est voir la façon dont l’homme doit se comporter envers la femme pour avoir ses faveurs (et inversement). C’est un système long et compliqué. Ça nous montre tout simplemeny, qu’il n’y a pas qu’une technique de séduction mais des millions de façon de procéder. Nous occidentaux, on se contente du strict minimum, après ça passe ou ça passe pas. Alors qu’en Inde (de ce que j’ai pu lire), c’est tout un parcours.Je conseille Les Kama Sutra pour tous les curieux de l’histoire de la séduction. On en apprend des choses fort sympathiques et intéressantes. Il y a pour les timides et pour les plus expérimentés (ça peut donner un level up dans la séduction). Après, il ne faut vraiment, mais vraiment pas s’attendre à lire du sexe. Il y a qu’un chapitre sur le sujet après le reste…

Do You like book The Kama Sutra Of Vatsyayana (2002)?

This is a funny book! Since the book was written in the ancient India, many of the non-sexual instructions like courtship, concubines, courtesan, prostitutes, are just passe and ridiculous! However, the sexual parts (which is just 1 out of 7 parts of the book)are still thought provoking and could still bewilder one's imaginations! This being an instruction book and an undeniably an indespensable part of classic literature is nothing but a must read piece of work of art.Thanks again Tata J for lending me this book! I hope you will find more books like this, read them right away and pass them on to your equally voracious brother!
—K.D. Absolutely

I didn't know what I was getting into reading this. Very, very... er, well thought out and .. ah, specific. Those Indians really took care to make sure everyone who picked up this guide would pleasure her man or his lady (or his man or her lady) in bed with the skills of a master.Everything from sexual positions to foreplay to erogenous zones to "match-ups" of the penis and vagina (some are "shallow" and some are "deep", I should say... .__. ) and all this other stuff you need to know.This book is very old. Thousands of years old, if I'm not mistaken. The names may have changed, but these techniques and know-how have never been completely expunged from the population. It is what everyone "knows". Nothing new under the sun, in other words, lol.

Disclosure:I would reveal that this book have been one of the amazing historical pieces I've ever read. with some nice explanations and pictures, it turns everything very simple. I have this book in an electronic format. In english, and with the same characteristics above. General Overview: The Kama Sutra, or the art of love, is one of the historical treasure that come from Indian culture long time ago. It takes love as a main subject to accomplish a psychological sensibility between the two lovers. The following book is taking this matter with some nice explanations of the sensibility and the power of love. in addition to some recommendations concerning the sensual part of love. the Possible positions and all the instructions of massage, in order to accomplish a nice level of sensuality and love. The Positive and the Negative aspects: Since this book is a part of a historical heritage, that means it is a piece of antiquity that survives for today, and that's the best part of it, because we see a lot of researches have been done concerning this old art of love. Concerning the book itself, I would say that it is completely simple and everybody could understand its contents, since it was translated from the old indian Language to English and several other languages. Even if there is some Indian words are showing themselves inside the book, but that not really matter. My Personal View:I am not that pessimist to criticize with ferocity, but I enjoy reading this book, I enjoy the enlightenment of the love science, the possible positions for making love and the means to make love go smooth and easy. What inspires me the most is that this science takes love as a source of life and respect, not as a taboo that society put in order to make love as a crime or something of envy. Concerning the practice, I reveal that I am not up to this level, but theoretically, I am well enlightened.Recommendations: This book is an Instructive science that examine love and the right way of making love. so my recommendations would be as following. This book should be between the lovers hands, as a manual that helps the reader to accomplish a psychological level of sensuality. I don't recommend this book to children under the age of maturity. Apart from this all the materials inside the book are real and healthy. Wish you a good reading.
—Геллее Авбакар

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