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The Joy Of Keeping Chickens: The Ultimate Guide To Raising Poultry For Fun Or Profit (2009)

The Joy of Keeping Chickens: The Ultimate Guide to Raising Poultry for Fun or Profit (2009)

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3.73 of 5 Votes: 3
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1602393133 (ISBN13: 9781602393134)
Skyhorse Publishing

About book The Joy Of Keeping Chickens: The Ultimate Guide To Raising Poultry For Fun Or Profit (2009)

Other books discuss the reason people get chickens - for eggs - and how to obtain chickens - mainly from hatcheries, but this author discusses raising chickens for meat or show and hatching them from eggs at home, either with a hen or incubator. Her appendices provide a list of additional resources for further education. Although I didn't read the chapters on showing chickens or raising them for meat, these chapters make this book the most thorough out of all the books I have read on raising chickens. Subtitle is "the Ultimate Guide to Raising Poultry for Fun or Profit", but the book fails to come close to the Ultimate Guide claim, and completely omits any number crunching guide essential to a goal of Profit, or even knowing your costs. There is no useful information about pastured poultry management, and just a nod toward preparing tour own feed in lieu of commercial feed. But there's lots of guidance toward fun, appreciation of the chooks, and especially, some very good egg recipes. This book has as straightforward (and comforting) a set of instructions on how to kill and eviscerate a meat bird as I have read anywhere.

Do You like book The Joy Of Keeping Chickens: The Ultimate Guide To Raising Poultry For Fun Or Profit (2009)?

I am already in love with this book. It is charming and full of excellent information.

this re-affirms my resolve to get chickens!!! especially cute, fluffy ones

Great color pics. Good breed charts detailing characteristics.

I know Jenn. She's fabulous. And she sure knows chickens.

An overall good beginner's guide.

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