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The Intimates: A Novel (2011)

The Intimates: A Novel (2011)

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3.21 of 5 Votes: 1
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0374176973 (ISBN13: 9780374176976)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux

About book The Intimates: A Novel (2011)

This exquisite book explores the prismatic, deeply felt world of two "best friends" whose experiences--largely happening apart from each other--both expand and contract their knowledge of themselves. A compelling strain of illicitness runs through the story, mirroring the endless compromises these young people feel they have already made and which have corrupted them before they can even begin their adult lives. Shot through with penetrating, luminous prose, this is the sort of novel we talk about when we talk about reading for pleasure. An acute and beautiful yet subtle book. Carefully crafted and lyrical without being annoyingly "poetic." Probably more for people who care about great characterizations, emotional intensity and elegant sentences than a driving or action-packed plot. The two main characters are fabulously well drawn and the supporting cast (especially the parents and one very mean real estate agent) pretty memorable too. GREAT opening section and plenty of suspense and fun all the way through to the end.

Do You like book The Intimates: A Novel (2011)?

A nice story of 2 lives intertwining over the years.

Sensitive and quietly devastating first novel.

It was a lovely read..

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