First published back in 1988, Campbell’s psychological horror ‘The Influence’ delves into the world of the spirit and the afterlife. He quickly sets the situation of the book down, with the introduction of the very close-knit Faraday family, then slowly builds the tension as the story unfolds. Campbell’s characterization of the family is superb, making the characters believable and their personalities involved. The character of Rowan in particular is easily liked and draws upon your emotions as she discovers the true secret to her new friend Vicky. The novel is written with a changing perspective from chapter to chapter. Campbell shifts back and forth in time between the characters, allowing a situation to happen with one character, then the next chapter would shift backwards and replay the events of the previous chapter through the eyes of someone else. This well-established technique can work well if done in the right manner with the right novel, but often (as in this case), can become tedious and frustrating. The book is slow-paced and never really grips you with the plot. Campbell does manage to build up some tension and an underlying suspense after a while, but this somehow doesn’t seem to get the reader any more involved with the book. The novel’s principal idea that the last dream you have will last an eternity, as this is all there is left once death takes you, is an interesting and thought-provoking notion. I wouldn’t say that the novel is a particularly bad one, but compared with other such novels of a similar theme available, this one seems to fall short a little. A Campbell fan will enjoy this book, but I wouldn’t suggest it as an introduction to his work. The book was originally meant to be fully illustrated with J.K. Potter’s dark and twisted use of photography creating the illustrations. Back in 1987, Potter even came to England to live with the Campbells and shoot photos of Ramsey’s then ten-year-old daughter. The photos were shot in all the locations where the novel takes place, and are available in Potter's photographic retrospective 'Horripilations'.
-Nada nuevo bajo el sol… perdón, bajo las tinieblas.-Género. Narrativa fantástica. Lo que nos cuenta. La desagradable y dura Queenie, ya anciana, muere en su propia casa y es enterrada con un camafeo bastante antiguo y que contiene cabello de la hija de su sobrina Alison, Rowan, que tras el deceso casualmente conoce a una nueva amiguita, Vicky, bastante inquietante y con ideas contrarias a las que Alison y su marido, además de cualquier otra persona en sus cabales, tendrían.¿Quiere saber más de este libro, sin spoilers? Visite:
Do You like book The Influence (1989)?
This is my third time round with The Influence and it remains one of my favourite horror novels. I first read this when I was doing my A-levels and it hadn't been long since I'd discovered Campbell's work. I also read it for my BA dissertation on modern horror.The theme of possession is sensitively and intelligently handled. This, at its heart, is about the mistakes of adulthood being visited on the next generation and though it is overtly supernatural, this isn't a simple spook story. It is a story with heart, and all the more scary and effective for that. Classic Campbell.
—Jonathan Oliver
This is indeed a horror story, of a will making itself stronger than death. It also draws on that fear in all of us of losing our identities, of being swallowed up by some unknown terror which replaces us so we're no longer recognizable by friends and family, becoming a stranger to those we love. It can also be seen as a metaphor for the transitions experienced in childhood, when a child grows and becomes more aware of himself in relation to the outside world, and becomes an individual no longer relying on merely his parents, when he can be influenced by the wrong elements.Whichever interpretation you choose, it's another highly entertaining, if slightly disturbing Ramsey Campbell novel.This novel is owned by the reviewer and no remuneration was involved in the writing of this review.