I am sure that, as the title suggests, for someone who truly does hate to cook, and does not care about their health at all, this book is great. However for myself, it was a nightmare. written more than half a century ago, when TV dinners and canned cream soups were all the rage, the recipes are heavy along that side. lots of things you would see at a church potluck that no one knows what is in it. No fresh ingreidients whatsoever. I love to cook, but picked this up because it held the promise of completely simple "real" cooking. I was not expecting the quaintness and humor inserted amongst the recipes. It was published in 1960 and has not been updated, so you need to read with that in mind (no microwaves, presifted flour, 1950s social life and expectations of a homemaker, superfulous butter)and sift through the recipes for some really good ones. I really enjoyed this book and have learned a few new (old) tricks.
Do You like book The I Hate To Cook Book (2010)?
I don't want to make any of these recipes, but I liked seeing what was fashionable at the time
Enjoyable and relatable. Recipes are tasty