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The Holocaust Industry: Reflections On The Exploitation Of Jewish Suffering (2003)

The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2003)

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185984488X (ISBN13: 9781859844885)

About book The Holocaust Industry: Reflections On The Exploitation Of Jewish Suffering (2003)

Everybody loves conspiracy theory. This book seems like one huh? Yes, this book fell on same heavy criticism (just look at the title) on promoting a conspiracy theory. But if you want to make sense of the theories, with footnotes and citations, proofs and facts, this book surely deserve a treat. For a clarification, in this book the author used two different terms, Nazi holocaust and The Holocaust. Nazi holocaust referring to the historical event and The Holocaust refer to its capitalization later turns 'industry'.In the words of the author:"Although the explanatory value of conspiracy theories is marginal, this does not mean that, in the real world individuals and organizations don't strategize and scheme. To believe otherwise is no less naive than to believe that a vast conspiracy manipulates worldly affairs"Now, I want to make some remarks about the book. 1. How the Holocaust becomes center-staged in the world.The author express a strange phenomena of when the holocaust started to be capitalized. The 'industry' come-about is post 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Thus the capitalization was not because of the Israel's alleged weakness and isolation, not the fear of a second holocaust but rather its proven strength and strategic alliance with the US that led them gearing up the 'industry'. It is a power consideration. This consideration enable their long-commited crimes to be masked in the slogan of 'we are the actual victims' all this long and it enables nobilization of the pursuit of their cause; that is to find a just redemption of horrific past crimes put on them. i.e In the planet of Israel, they are no other victims except the jews.2. US - Israel relationship.No doubt about it. US (president, senior officials etc) has long been heavily lobbied to become a strong supporter and ally of Jewish groups and Israel. This book explores, US - Israel hypocrisy, and how both benefited from each other. It now seems odd to put only Israel in trial of mass crimes against the world without having the US sitting with them in the same benches.3. Two premises of the Holocaust Industry1) Holocaust as a categorically unique historical event2) Holocaust marks the climax of an irrational, eternal Gentile (non-jews) hatred of Jews.With these two dogmas, Holocaust is being marketed to be unchallengeable, an unparallele event in the course of history. To stay otherwise is to be charged as a holocaust denier. This establishment is important for the industry to further and put forward its agenda. The author put forwards several arguments against these dogmas that worth to be read.4. Getting organizedYou cannot but praised the Jews for their strong organizations. The organizations have successfully turns the table game and they overwhelmingly profited directly from the Holocaust Industry throuse thes startups. Through setups, they managed to gather compensation moneys by, in the author word 'blackmailing' countries that becomes the safe havens for Jewish money during the holocaust era; by pressing charges that the countries were denying the survivors and the heirs their money back (mostly eastern european). This is actually the central theme of the book. The deprivation of the true holocaust survivors of their compensation money by the large strong, US-backed Jewish organizations; that self-proclaimed themselves as the official representatives for the 'needy survivors' that later profited them for their self-interests.5. Zionist-Jewish long-standing hypocrisyYou might dislike when peoples of religious background turns to you, throwing this mass accusations of Jewish hypocrisy in history. If then you like a secular version of it, this is one for you.6. Commitment to various projects and educationAnother trait that deserved to be exampled and praised. The Jewish Organizations, that allegedly reported of mishandling billion of funds they gathered by compensating the holocaust survivors from European countries, surely cleverly act even in mishandling it. They put commitment to fund various projects, such as memorials, museum, educational programs, not to mention to the new-born illegitimate state of Israel. It is reported in US when the industry started to flourish there are more than 1000 academic publications on the topic of holocaust. That was how dedicated they were! The power of education!7. Self-created AntisemitismAs I had mentioned above, the Jewish Organizations profited by blackmailing European countries by allegations such as; deny entry of refugees into their country during holocaust era and mishandling of holocaust victims money whom deposited their money to the countries as a safeguard from holocaust. With manipulation of facts and numbers, they managed to pull out billions, 1.25 billion from Swiss for example. And then they reported a rise in antisemitism in the European countries. And the fact is that it is still rising till today, now, worldwide. Should we say to them, you dont't say?I would certainly say that this is my very brief remarks on the book. Do not misjudged the book by its title, take the book and read.One more thing, the book is written free from any reactive and emotional sentiments. The goal is not to marginalize and hate the Jews but to expose the marginal jewish-zionist that have long exploited and tarnished the sufferings of Jewish people.

The Holocaust Industry By Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein للنسخة العربية من التقيم أدخل الرابط'll divide my review into sections so you can skip what you don't want to read in this review: a) About the writer: the first time I heard about Norman was 6 moth ago I was watching a clip where he was arguing a point with TV program host who had the same opinion as me after watching the clip I was amazed and fascinated with the compelling argument of Dr. Finkelstein and this rarely happen with me as I reach my conclusion and opinion based on careful study. Dr.Finkelstein is an amazing researcher and well trained political scientist. He has an admirable sense of justice and moral value. His parents were holocaust survivors the rest of his families were not as fortunate and none of them survived. b) About the book: 1) Research and referencing: this where Norman truly shine I spent reading about reference in the footnote more than reading the actual book of course if your not interested in reading them you can skip them and just read the actual book. As for the research this book is full of an amazing amount of relevant information and compelling evident of his conclusion. 2) The content: The main idea of the book is about the deprivation of the Holocaust survivor by the American Jewish organization from there rights in the compensation obtained from the Swiss banks and Germany and other country on there suffering and how these organization used the suffering of the holocaust victim to black mail the Swiss bank and Germany form there own self interest with the help of the American Government and the former President Clinton. 3) The 1st edition and 2nd edition addition: Dr. Finkelstein added a lot of important research on the Swiss banks issue that almost equals in amount to the actual book content. 4) Writing style: its trade book so the writer presents the subject by introducing the conclusion and documented with the evidence throughout the book. Sometimes the writer use the famous Hyake style to give the writing little pit of flavor which mistaken by some as an angry or sarcastic tone. C) Book criticism: 1) Some of those who's Norman quoted in the book claimed that he miss quoted them or selectively quoted them but they failed to give even one example of these claims even when they been asked to do so and if you checked the book yourself you will find no basis for these claims. 2) Some accused the book of having an angry tone and that because the writer sometimes used the famous Hayek style to give the writing little pit of flavor which some mistaken it to be angry or sarcastic tone and you can see after finishing the book there are no basis for these claims. 3) Some accused the book content of being just a propaganda if you read the book you will find that the amount of facts and information dismiss such claims and those who claimed such thing failed to prove there claims when asked to. 4) The only thing I think Norman should have changed is the title "The Holocaust Industry" which in my opinion caused a lot of people to judge the book without reading it.

Do You like book The Holocaust Industry: Reflections On The Exploitation Of Jewish Suffering (2003)?

Norm Finkelstein thoroughly documented a phenomenon that has been nagging at me for a while now, which is the exploitation of the history of persecution of the Jews. As the oldest grandchild of Holocaust survivors, I have never questioned the horrors that my grandparents experienced. What Professor Finkelstein documents is how this horror has been used as a muzzle and a tool, in ways more extreme than I had even realized. When I began advocating for human rights in Israel and Palestine, I realized that the Holocaust was one of the sharpest weapons in the "Anti-Semitism" defense that supporters of Israel's current policies throw at anyone who dares suggest that maybe, just maybe, Israel should: obey the laws of war or indeed any international law,and question whether the whole "Jewish state" concept might be a bit discriminatory on its face and in its enforcement. We say, "The IDF shouldn't have shot that 12 year old Palestinian in the head," and we hear, "The Israeli state must be strong, 'they' want to exterminate the Jews." A terrifying thought, if true, but even the most horrid Palestinian terror acts bear no semblence to the system of European pograms, discriminatory laws, and mass murder. (As my grandmother, a survivor of the Lodz ghetto, observed, it is the Occupied Palestinian territories that look a bit like the ghetto. . . And it was an IDF commander who admitted to taking tactics from the Nazis, not a Palestinian militant.)What made me feel a little more ill is Professor Finkelstein's detailed accounts of how Holocaust litigation has been focused against Swiss banks (even though American and even Israeli banks took Jewish assets during WWII and haven't returned them), how this litigation is framed (as restitution and remedy for needy Holocaust survivors), and where the money goes (not to my grandma, or Norm's parents, but to the Holocaust industry museums and of course Zionist institutions.)He is a stellar historian; I am not. So read the book.

نورمان فلنكستين في كتابه يحاول بتحليل سياسي ونقدي مدهش للأحداث بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية وبعد حرب حزيران ، توضيح أو فهم كيف أُسهمت وأُستغلت المحرقة اليهودية النازية “ الهولوكوست ” للمصالح السياسية لبناء إسرائيل و كسب التعاطف العالمي مع اليهود . ينقسم الكتاب في فصولٍ ثلاث ، تحدثَ الفصل الأول منه عن تحويل الهولوكوست النازية إلى هولوكوست ترسخ و تذكر بالمحرقة كمأساة تُبرر لليهود أفعاله الشنيعة على الأراضي الفلسطينية . وأَوضح بكثير من الدلائل إختفاء ذكر الهولوكوست عن الوعي الجمعي لليهود أنفسهم بعد الحرب العالمية وظهرورها فجأة بعد حرب حزيران في محاولة لتثبيت دعائم الذكرى في عقول اليهود حول العالم وتذكريهم بأن دولة إسرائيل أنشئت كسبيل للخلاص من مصير مميت كالهولوكوست . وإنتقل بعد ذلك إلى الفصل الثاني ليحكي حول الناجيين الكاذبيين و المثقفين المزيفين المدعيين اليهودية و النجاة من الهولوكوست في سبيل الحصول على التعويضات التي حصل عليها اليهود بعد الحرب . وإنتهى الكتاب بالتركيز على سبب ظهور مصطلح “ معاداة السامية ” بالحديث عن جشع المؤسسات اليهودية بإستغلال الهولوكوست للحصول على بمالغ طائلة تقدر ببلايين الدولارات من الدول التي رفضت إيواء اليهود في الحرب كسويسرا واتهامها بإستغلال الأموال اليهودية المودعة في البنوك السويسرية .. إلخ . كتاب كهذا يستحق القراءة ، يستحق القراءة بجدارة لتتجلى للقارئ - أي قارئ - الحقائق و تتضح الكثير من الأمور .

This is one of those books you don't want to read, because once you do, you can't unread any of it.N.G.Finkelstein deals with how greed has morphed an already horrifying history into a despicable present.Facts from this book are bound to come screeching into the fore-front of your brain when you hear anything to do with the Holocaust or Hitler or the Nazis. Then the fury begins to build up.Ever wondered why, of all of the horrible events that have transpired in the past 100 years, the Nazi holocaust is probably the only thing you can think of when people ask "What was the worst crime committed during a war". Nevermind the Khmer Rouge or the disintegration of the Middle East or the destruction of Africa or the subjugation of the South American nations, Hitler was the only villain.This book brings up a startling point. The only reason the World Jewish Congress (who are led by cronies in corporate America's pocket) constantly reminds the world about the Holocaust is to churn out as much money, as long as they can, by exploiting the moral obligations of nations who may or may not have had a part to play in the whole disaster that went down. As opposed to actually remembering those who had to pay a terrible price for one mad man's ambitions. They support who they will if it suits them, particularly what they claim is the "only" place on earth where the Jews shall not be persecuted and face anti-semitism: Israel.To re-enforce that there is only one state in the world that will protect a certain culture or religion is expecting very little from this world. It propagates distrust, it propagates hatred.Moving on.WJC(World Jewish Congress) decides to sue Swiss banks for withholding assets of holocaust victims, for refusing to give heirs what is rightfully theirs. WJC forces Swiss banks to settle before the completion of the official inquiry requested by their own committees,despite the banks paying the inquiry fee themselves, a grand total of $500 million. Definitely makes them look like a not-for-profit, seek-the-truth organization. While the assets climb above the $32 million estimated by the banks, they fall woefully short of the $7 - $20 billion claimed by the WJC. Small difference right. The WJC is still collecting money on behalf of the "poor, suffering holocaust survivors". In 2000, their funds were upward of $9 billion. In 2000, there aren't more than a handful of survivors left (even the 10 year old is 75). So WJC decides to expand who the term "holocaust survivor" encompasses. How convenient.The counter-argument to unreasonable behavior: "6 million jews". Who were those people? Are they being remembered and respected through these actions? How is it that the the fact that 11 million people died during The Holocaust isn't as widely known. Do those 5 million not matter, since they were non-Jews? The Holocaust is being inducted into curriculums in the United States (because future generations must carry the prejudice against the germans and walk on eggshells around the word Jew), museums are dime a dozen, and oh the movies. Scores and scores of them.Brought to you by Hollywood. And the books. A new one every day. Take a minute to soak in the hypocrisy of it all.What if Russia or Switzerland were to make movies and museums on the destruction of the Native American population? Of the merciless butchering. Of how they were all but "exterminated" from the face of this planet.No one gets to sit on their pretty moral throne and judge.Mistakes have been made. Horrifying crimes have been committed. This book brings to fore an even uglier side to humanity: to exploit the pain, the guilt, the overwhelming grief, to constantly remind people of past mistakes, for profit. All the while pretending to honor the dead.Read this book, it is extremely well researched. Yes, N.G.Finkelstein writes with utter distaste and anger. Keep in mind, under the new definitions, he too is a "holocaust survivor"(he would approve of me using the quotes). But who can blame him, the premise is such. You will also find in this book a very interesting take on the state of Israel. Given the recent events in Gaza, Finkelstein's words only ring truer.One thing I will say, ignore the footnotes as you are reading the book. While I really appreciated the extensive research, sometimes reading the footnotes distracted me from the main theme of what was being said. I ended up coming back to the foot notes later when I was done.

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