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The Heart's Pursuit (2014)

The Heart's Pursuit (2014)

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0310259274 (ISBN13: 9780310259275)

About book The Heart's Pursuit (2014)

I'll was the cover that caught my attention. What? That sounds like a broken record? Well, it's totally true. Plus, I apparently have a thing for the Wild West (although, I'm soooo glad I didn't live back wouldn't have been a good time period for me). Anyway, I was immediately caught up in this book. I enjoyed Silver and Jared immensely. They seemed very real to me. Their actions, their thoughts, their behavior....all of it was well written and captivating. I even enjoyed the last cheesy line in the book :) Oooo, and you know how I have a weird thing about names? I really really liked Silver's name, which is odd for me, but it just fit her personality and the book and everything.There were a few things that I would have liked more of an explanation about. One was the bit with the hair (you'll know immediately when you read the book) Why? And what did he do with it? It wasn't a big thing, but it got me curious and then that curiosity wasn't satisfied. I think I also wanted more with the step mom. Maybe for her to realize she was wrong? I don't know. It definitely wasn't needed in the story, but I do like my happy endings :) The biggest thing for me was that Jared kept referring to his horse, "breaking down". I don't know, that seems like a car to me, not a horse. But I did ask my husband about it (seeing how he has more horse experience than I do) and he said that it was a proper was to say that. Go figure. I still would have like "foundered" or "wore out" better, but now I'm just getting nit picky.I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and complete strangers (if I happened to be talking to a complete stranger about books...Hello Complete Stranger!). It was clean, funny, moving, and well written. I would buy a copy, reread it again, and look for more from this author. Check out for this review and others. I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for a review. This is a book you can pick up and have a relaxed read and yet still get that touch of sweet romance, bad guy and good guy adventure, rough travel over the desert and country side in search of the bad guys. You get to see a person's faith lived out in resisting temptation.There is rescue of those in danger and a good twist in character revelation at the end. It interests me how a young female character of bygone days puts her trust and life completely in the hands of a stranger who she has engaged in order to find the man who jilted her on her wedding day and who stole all her father's money. She has to learn how to cook - she can't even make coffee - while on the trail in this adventure. She camps on the hard ground, endures cold and rain. Robin Lee Hatcher did not disappoint in authoring this good read.

Do You like book The Heart's Pursuit (2014)?

Another great read from Robin Lee Hatcher! Great story with lots of interesting historical details.

great read, adventure and transforming hearts



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