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The Heart Of A Gypsy (2012)

The Heart of a Gypsy (2012)

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3.45 of 5 Votes: 5
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1478172207 (ISBN13: 9781478172208)
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

About book The Heart Of A Gypsy (2012)

Although I enjoyed certain aspects of this book I felt it was poorly executed. I thought the theme of second world war resistance fighters was initially very captivating but it felt like this(and most of rest of the story line) was padding around educating the reader about gypsy way of life. There were certain inconsistencies in the story line which was very frustrating and some of the dialog felt very much like an American teen story. All in all a little disappointing. I won this book from Goodreads giveaway. I was quite excited by the description (historical fiction about the gypsy resistance in World War Two)but totally disappointed by the book itself. The characters are unbelievable, the dialogue is unrealistic and the plot is a poorly constructed pulp fiction type romance.The only thing I can say is that I will go looking for books on the topic of the gypsy involvement in the resistance movement

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Nothing more than a poorly written harlequin with really, really bad editing. Ugh

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