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The Headmaster's Papers: A Novel (1992)

The Headmaster's Papers: A Novel (1992)

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3.96 of 5 Votes: 4
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0839731922 (ISBN13: 9780839731924)
paul s. eriksson

About book The Headmaster's Papers: A Novel (1992)

This was the telling of the story of a headmaster of a boy's school in New England, entirely through his letters and papers. I'm afraid I am not a fan of the format, at least of how it was executed by the author. There was a singular lack of dramatic tension, and I had a difficult time motivating myself to keep reading. Basically, it was a written portrait of a character. The character of the headmaster is basically likable. I might even say that I might have liked being in his school when I was in high school. However, the theme of the book was basically, "Wasn't education so much better in the good old days when youth were taught good old fashioned values?" There is certainly truth in that. However, it is not enough of a theme to sustain a novel.

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