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The Guy Next Door (2012)

The Guy Next Door (2012)

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Covenant Communications

About book The Guy Next Door (2012)

Eva has figured out her life. She is engaged to Sean. He is wealthy and has his path set to be successful. He is very domineering and a control freak. Somehow Eva looks past all that and looks forward to the security he can provide.Her view of life changes drastically when tragedy strikes. She is left bewildered and with new responsibility. She begins to see life in a different light and her plans change.The guy next door is supportive and she feels free to be herself. Peter offers her peace.This book is more than a love triangle. There is an element of suspense that is pretty intense.This book is written to an LDS audience. It should appeal to anyone who likes this genre. The Guy Next Door is an LDS fiction novel. I was excited to read this book and become acquainted with a new author (well, new to me). The cover of this book looks so mysterious, right? It made me very curious about what was inside.Here's the main thing about this book for me. It made me feel. There was a part of the story where I seriously had tears in my eyes. That is really hard to accomplish with me. But, there it is. I won't tell you what that scene was because that would be giving things away but it was so sad and emotional and I was all wrapped up in it. Luckily that didn't last long though because nobody loves sad. :)There was romance and some heart pumping suspense. I fell in love with Peter almost instantly. Honest. Wait until you read his sweet notes to Eva. I think there aren't many things sexier than a guy that works hard to help you achieve your goals. Physically and emotionally. Peter is awesome.There is no way you can read this book and not root for Eva. She is strong and determined. I love her loyalty to family and I think I want her to cook for me. I really, really enjoyed this book.

Do You like book The Guy Next Door (2012)?

A cute story with a twist, it turned into a suspense about halfway through the book.

The first chapter was a bit confusing to me but after that it did get rather good.

Enjoyable read. Well written characters with a surprise ending.

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