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The Guide To Larry Niven's Ringworld (1994)

The Guide to Larry Niven's Ringworld (1994)

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3.44 of 5 Votes: 3
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0671722050 (ISBN13: 9780671722050)
baen books

About book The Guide To Larry Niven's Ringworld (1994)

This is an interesting book - for several reasons . First off I love the tales of Known Space the loosely set series of stories which link together the majority of Larry Niven's science fiction stories, secondly some years ago Chaosium released a role playing game based on the Ringworld book (yes there are now a whole series in fact several but at the time only 1 was in print) and this book acts as an unofficial reference and guide to the world sometimes supporting others copying that game. Now the book itself - I am in two minds over visual guides - sometimes they help support my imagination - where i am not sure or cannot make my mind up they bring clarity and show me what the author/artist was thinking then at other times I hate them as they conflict with what i have in mind - this book wanders from one to the other. The technology I love but I always find the beasts I can imagine differently.Either way its a fascinating book fleshing out a lot of material - I just wish as the series progressed that they would reissue it with updated material

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