About book The Grown-Up's Guide To Running Away From Home: Making A New Life Abroad (2008)
As someone who has done extensive travel, I really love this book. The author packs a lot of info between these covers.You start out thinking about living abroad. The first two chapters guide you through this process to decide if you actually even want to pack it up and move to another country. Don't skip these thought-provoking pages. It is vital to think these things through BEFORE you try to make the big move. The next chapter takes you through some really fun information to help you narrow down the country you are interested in moving to. Your dreams are important but it is even more important to be practical and think about the cost of living in a country, the language and the likelihood you will be able to learn it, how safe and welcoming the country is, the kind and quality of health care, jobs, and housing available and other practical matters. Once you have narrowed down your choices to one great country, this author very logically includes chapters on how to pay for your getaway, how to live economically within that budget in your new country, how to legally get a job in the country, and all of those things you will have to do including find a home, pack, handle your finances and personal affairs when you move, moving the kids and pets, what to do with the things you can't take along (like those major appliances that won't work there), paperwork required to enter legally and stay legally, transport of yourselves and your things, how to get health care or signed up for your new country's medical insurance, and much more. These are all things you will need to think about, plan for and do and she has really got you covered here. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is even thinking of moving abroad.
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