I love Eli Easton's writing and I love 'Sherlock' so this was a match made in heaven - rather like Sherlock and John :)The situation was perfectly set up, and hilariously executed. The resolution required Sherlock to be rather less sociopathic than the TV version, but that's a necessary suspension of disbelief for a romance between these characters to work at all.My only quibble was as a Brit, it is obvious this was written by an American. Certain terms jarred me out of the narrative - cheerleaders, high school, fire department would not be part of John and Sherlock's experience. And the inescapable 'pants' instead of trousers.Americanisms notwithstanding, it's not often you get such a lengthy high-quality fic (for free no less), so I still give it 5 stars and save it in the 'reread sooner than later' folder! Ugh. Unh. Gahhhh... When I finished this at three in the morning (on Christmas Day, mind you) I was drooling out of the corner of my mouth and my eyeballs felt like sandpaper was being rubbed against them every time I blinked. I stayed up way too late and have been moving through the rest of my day at a zombie like pace. But I have to say ...It was worth it. This bit of smutty fanfic tapped into all of my most secret and dirty fantasies revolving around what I consider to be The Best TV Show Ever Made Not Featuring David Tennant. I am a Cumberbitch, (and I don't care about all the stupid controversy over that label. It is a clever pun on His name, and yes, I can sometimes be a bitch.)And unlike most fanfic out there (I have browsed through a fair bit in my quest for a Sherlock fix) this one is well written and clever and reads like it could have been done by the screenwriters of this show, had the screenwriters decided to have Sherlock and Watson consummate their bromance with a lot of hot sex. The scene with Molly was so freaking perfect, by the way.Of course this was written by Eli Easton. I love everything this author does.
Do You like book The Great Sex Olympics Of 221B (2012)?
Sexy and Funny. Definitely one of my favorites. I love XitentialAngst writing.