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The Great Brain Reforms (1974)

The Great Brain Reforms (1974)

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0440448417 (ISBN13: 9780440448419)

About book The Great Brain Reforms (1974)

The Great Brain Reforms by John D. Fitzgerald is about a family of boys that like to make money especially Tom. Tom was the oldest and had a very talented brain. One day he decided to make a raft for the river across the street. The raft took tom a wile to built but he built it. Then toms great brain thought it was a good idea if he charged kids to go on the raft. One of the kids tom was taking down the river fell of in the rapids. Tom jumped in to save him and almost died from a bolder. This is a good action adventure story and is hard to put down. I recommend this book to others.

Great book! When the Jesuit Priests at the Salt Lake Academy can't reform Tom's swindling ways, Papa and Mama give it a try. Finally, younger brother John D. realizes he must take this burden upon himself. And what a great job he does, assisted by the 14 year old judge; he is pronounced guilty on all counts despite his cunning self-representation in "court." That "judge" is just too smart, having a trial lawyer for a dad. All the kids Tom has swindled get their stuff back, but in the end John D. knows that Tom cannot be reformed. Great read-aloud to 4th through 6th grades.

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We just finished this for homeschool, and the series is still a hit, but Mom is swamped and I don't have time for the chapter breakouts. sorry. maybe next time through.A great book for boys! After being introduced to The Great Brain by a teacher reading it in class, I read this entire series a few times as a middle schooler. The stories are wonderfully funny.On caution: the family featured is Catholic. This does not play a large role in the plot or characters. However, parents should be prepared for questions if the child reading is not Catholic.

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