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The Graveyard Book Volume 2 (2014)

The Graveyard Book Volume 2 (2014)

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0062312561 (ISBN13: 9780062312563)

About book The Graveyard Book Volume 2 (2014)

Bod is older now and wants to go out beyond the graveyard. His first and only stint in school is definitely a memorable one. As Bod grows up in this volume he buts heads with Silas and with others as he makes his own way in the world that he has. The final confrontation with the Man Jack, and a reunion with a long lost friend, are high points of this volume, and the concluding chapters is just as heartwrenching and hopeful as it is in the original book. If you loved the book, checking out this graphic adaptation is certainly worth it. Wonderful artwork to illustrate one of my absolute favorite stories. I would recommend reading the book first, of course, but this is a nice addition to the story. Or at least let me re-enter that world once again, for which I'm grateful.This starts where Bod begins to grow out of the graveyard a bit. He makes an attempt at attending school, tries to discover his origins and ultimately faces up to the Jacks of all Trades.Silas and Miss Lupescu face their own challenges, which for me will always be the saddest part of the book. As for the art, I had my favorites, but it was all very similar, which can be seen as a good thing, but I guess I would have preferred a bit more variety. My hope for these two graphic novels is that they would inspire readers to find the book and read it too!

Do You like book The Graveyard Book Volume 2 (2014)?

This book was a little better then the other one and i really enjoyed it.

Much like the first volume.


Simply beautiful.

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