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The Grave Winner (2013)

The Grave Winner (2013)

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4.16 of 5 Votes: 1
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1939173272 (ISBN13: 9781939173270)
Crescent Moon Press

About book The Grave Winner (2013)

First I want to thank the author for giving the opportunity to give an honest review so here it goes.I'm not gonna tell you nothing about the book because I think it would spoiled your reading but I would said I read the book so fast I couldn't put it down until I finish. I can wait to read the second book. The characters are amazing. I love the book is a little creepy and mysterious but nothing scary. Hope you get the book soon so you can see what I'm saying. If you like paranormal books I think you gonna love this one. HAPPY READING.Rabsaris Flores Great pacing that kept me engaged to the end.Unfortunately I was not impressed with Leigh as she didn't seem much of a heroine. She let somebody treat her like crap and didn't do much of anything to alter the course of the story, others took care of that for her. Sarah the dead girl was more interesting and proactive, I felt the story might have had a better female lead with her than Leigh. Love interest didn't work at all for me. Get rid Leigh, just get rid!Story world felt a little shallow and timeline before the story starts felt short for the amount of bad but maybe that was just me.In the end, Sarah stood out to me. Pretty cool achievement for a dead girl.

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Sometimes I write things. Sometimes what I write is pretty neat.

Enjoyable read. A more detailed review to come (hopefully)

Original plot and characters very well done

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