About book The Golden Hat: Talking Back To Autism (2012)
While this is very much a coffee table book, I really enjoyed being able to read more about Keli (post-The Sunshine Boy) and about the founding of the Golden Hat Foundation. The thing I liked best, though, was the gallery of pics of autistic kids and young adults with their first words, which range from profound statements like "I am real" and "Stop the war. It is killing too many soldiers" to practical statements of physical discomfort like "There is a big rock in my shoe" and "Teeth - hurt - help." I would strongly recommend that anyone in the USA buying this book buy it directly from the Golden Hat Foundation so that the proceeds go towards helping non-verbal autistic kids and adults get a proper education. It makes me feel good to say that yes, I did buy the hardcover copy of this book, which I will be keeping on my bookshelves. All the author's proceeds from this book go to the Golden Hat Foundation, a charity set up to help families of children with autism.And I take my hat off to actress Kate Winslet, who truly does seem to care about Keli, the autistic boy whose story started her on the road to the creation of this book. This does not seem to be just a token charity thing for her. By reading the emails exchanged between Kate and Keli's mother printed in the book, you can see that a true caring friendship developed. The photos of the many varied celebrities who took their self portraits wearing Kate's hat are special also. Such a simple thing...take a self portrait of yourself on a pocket digital camera while wearing this one special hat. So many celebrities did it, and so many of the photos are so candid and raw. It is a "real" look at these people, many taken in their own homes, either using a mirror for a reflected self portrait, or using the "extend the camera at arm's length and take the picture" technique. So simple, but so special. And the poems and communications of the non-verbal Keli are also special to read. Keli learned at age 10 to communicate by pointing to letters on a letterboard. His simple writings are beautiful, unique, and profound.I would recommend this book to anyone who knows someone on the autism spectrum. Buy yourself a copy...all the proceeds benefit a wonderful cause...and let the photos and writings touch your heart.
Do You like book The Golden Hat: Talking Back To Autism (2012)?
The celebs are fun, but the photos of the kids with their first words blew my mind. Amazing.
I need to get my hands on the documentary that inspired this cause and foundation.
Very very sweet! Love what kate and the other celebs did!