Do You like book The Godfather Returns (2005)?
(Audio). I am sure it was difficult for Mr. Winegarden to take on this challenge. It was a rather entertaining read/listen but as many of us plainly have a lot of time invested in imagining how the careers might have panned out for these 'people' perhaps anyone--even Mario Puzo--would have seemingly fallen short of the mark. Mr. Winegarden also introduces some new characters to try and bridge the gaps but how some of them may have risen so quickly 'through the ranks' is a bit mystifying. Thankfully he stays away from Godfather III (an epic disaster in my book) and I found the book fairly entertaining; however SPOILER ALERT: portraying Fredo as a sexually confused, hapless, hair brain individual (which, okay maybe he was) but with some vague idea of turning a cemetery scheme into a goldmine for the family was a bit difficult to understand. There also was an underlying attempt to parallel the rise of the Shea political family on the coat tails of the Corleones ala the Kennedys that was a bit lacking and silly at times. Tom Hagen was also a mere shadow of his former self. Yet, Winegarden in my estimation still did a fine job portraying the psychopathic machinations of Michael Coreleone is his attempts to 'legitimize' the family business in a fairly engaging manner.
So.. Beginilah ceritanya setelah Don Vito meninggal, Michael mengambil alih dinasti Corleone, dan berusaha mengubah 'Keluarga' menjadi sesuatu yang lebih 'legal' (setidaknya pada awalnya)..ceritanya asyik, walaupun dengan gaya yang lumayan beda dari Puzo, tokoh-tokoh baru bermunculan, tokoh-tokoh lama berkembang (*spoiler alert* bahkan diceritakan bagaimana akhirnya Fredo berkhianat kepada Michael, sehingga harus dieksekusi. kayak yang di film Godfather 2 kalau gak salah)Walaupun diceritakan dengan gaya yang berbeda dari Puzo's Godfather (lebih 'cepat' dan 'brutal', kata beberapa orang. Sedangkan gaya Puzo lebih dan 'mematikan'), novel ini sangat mumpuni untuk meneruskan kisah keluarga Corleone. Yang jelas banyak yang bilang kalau novel ini sangat direkomendasikan kepada para penggemar the Godfather saga, dan saya setuju itu..
—umarul mukhtar
I chose this book because it was the scond part of Mario Puzo's "The Godfather." This book takes place in 1940 in New York. The main character, who is now Michael Corleone because his father Don Vito Corleone died, is now the Don of the Corleone family. He has many features of his father but what he did not inherit from his father is the choice of business. Although he continued with his late fathers olive oil company, he has also gotten into to his fathers mos hated businesses which were narcotics and prostitution. My favorite quote in this book was, "It's hell when the person you know you are isn't the person people see when they look at you." This is my favorite quote because I can relate to this quote. I don't think Mike Winegardener did a good job of capturing Mario Puzo's style of writing. He was showing an amateur way o writing and it was very confusing and the book had way to many parentheses. I didn't like the point of view either because once he started writing as one person he couldn't stop writing in there point of view until the end of the chapter. I wouldn't recommend this book to others because it was a poorly written book.
—George Mnatsakanyan