I actually met the author on Twitter well before I read this, although I'd be lying if I said I remembered how I came to start following her and occasionally talking with her. The main thing that got me to finally buy this book wasn't reviews of it, or previews of the artwork, but rather, the passion she has for her creation. While I see a lot of praise for the art, it took me a few pages to warm up to. I wish that the story had progressed more over this first volume, but I know that she's got to build her world and introduce us to her characters, so I'll definitely be coming back for the second volume. Congrats, Chandra, you've got me hooked. Glad I finally got a chance to read this. I saw the promos for it last year at comic con, but it didn't come out til the fall, and I sort of lost track of getting it til this summer, so I waited and picked it up at comic con.The art is very pretty and flowing. It's an interesting premise - but as is the problem with many comic books, just as it starts to pick up, you're finished with it. I hope there's info soon on when another volume will be out
Do You like book The God Machine (2010)?
***3.5*** It has an interesting storyline. I enjoyed the graphics and the '80's references.
Art was cool, otherwise a sad JTHM ATTEMPT