Would give this 3.5 stars, so I "rounded up." The premise is good and executed well without being "preachy." It is a nice light read with enough interest developed in the characters to keep the reader turning the pages. I like exploring the idea of what it means to listen to and for God amid everyday life. I also like the exploration of how to be helpful without being intrusive, and how to to take risks to develop relationships. I liked this book even more than the author's first. Perhaps it was the romantic storyline that I enjoyed. But as the author does in his first book, Leaper, he manages to give us a story full of humor and intrigue and to challenge the way we view God and our relationship to him. There are also some very beautiful, poignant passages toward the end of the book, moments that make you want to cry. Overall, I think this is his best book yet. Can't wait to see what he writes next.
Do You like book The God Cookie (2009)?
Great lesson for life... I would read it again.