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The Glorkian Warrior Delivers A Pizza (2014)

The Glorkian Warrior Delivers a Pizza (2014)

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1596439173 (ISBN13: 9781596439177)
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About book The Glorkian Warrior Delivers A Pizza (2014)

Young readers will hoot at all the hilarious mishaps along the way when the Glorkian Warrior attempts to deliver some pizza after receiving a phone call to the wrong number. With his helpful backpack along the way, he tries to meet his destiny in this humorous graphic novel. My favorite parts involved the food-obsessed Gonk who he encounters along the way. By the time he eats that pizza, it has to be rancid beyond all imagining. I admit, I thought this book was just okay. But the kids at my school visits were really excited by it! I think the combination of bright, cartoon-like art and ridiculous story (the Glorkian warrior gets a wrong number call from someone wanting to order a pizza, and since he just happens to have a peanut butter and clam pizza in his fridge, decides it must be his destiny to deliver it!) have great kid appeal.

Do You like book The Glorkian Warrior Delivers A Pizza (2014)?

This book is so delightfully random! Read this when you need to smile.

Cute, funny for kids - probably younger readers grades 2-4

So bananas, but so much fun!

it is funny.

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