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The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers (2011)

The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers (2011)

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3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
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0525422595 (ISBN13: 9780525422594)
Dutton Juvenile

About book The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers (2011)

Gingerbread Girl gets a box of animal crackers for her birthday. As soon as she opens the boxes the animal crackers go wild and run away singing "We're wild Animal Crackers, Hear our fierce roar. You can't catch us, We're off to explore!" As they run past neighbors, a cat, sheep, kids, chickens and scouts each animal sings its own verse. Then they meet the fox, the same fox who ate Gingerbread Boy. He offers to take them across the river but of course really wants to eat them. They end up getting away and living happily ever after with Gingerbread Girl. This is a nice followup to Ernst previous books. I think kids will really enjoy hearing them all together. This will make a good read aloud with the refrain and the animal verses. Our Kindergarten students hear 'The Gingerbread Man' read by our principal as a guest reader just before Winter Break. I used this book as a librarian to invite my principal back to share another book just before Summer Break and served with animal crackers and lemonade as a special treat. Everyone had a good time and it was a fun way to bring closure to the school year. Recommended for: compare/contrast of the gingerbread books.

Do You like book The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers (2011)?

There is an excellent repetitive rhyming chorus with this book that smaller children will enjoy.

A very creative adaptation to the gingerbread man classic.

and, despite his efforts, the fox is foiled again!

I do like the rhinoceros rhyme.

one of Emily's favorites

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