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The Gift Giver: A True Story (2011)

The Gift Giver: A True Story (2011)

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3.54 of 5 Votes: 3
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1934572802 (ISBN13: 9781934572801)
Emerald Book Company

About book The Gift Giver: A True Story (2011)

This is the true story of a young widow, whose husband died in his sleep. This tells how she copes with his death and raising two young boys on her own. One night while alone she hears her husband’s voice who tells her that if he had lived that another person would have died whose death would have caused dire consequences. Her late husband’s voice and the sense of his presence helps her to deal with his death. This book is unusual in that she hears the voice of someone close to her who died and she continues to hear his voice throughout the book. This is based on her experience though it is hard to believe that she hears her late husband’s voice when she needs it. I won this from GoodReads, received it today and read it today. It's a pretty fast read if you get into it. I cried through most of the book so it is a draining read. I'm on the fence still absorbing this book. Either you sit through it in disbelief that her husband can communicate so much with her from beyond or you feel comforted that this isn't the end. My husband's father died in his forties so I think in the back of my mind, I'm often concerned that something will take my husband too early so I connected with this book. My kids are the same ages as Jennifer's in the story too which was a little too eerie for me. I was both disappointed and happy that David and Jennifer didn't end up together in the end since that would've been a little too Disney-esque of an ending for a book with so much emotion in it.

Do You like book The Gift Giver: A True Story (2011)?

I guess with a cover blurp from Neale Donald Walsch, I was expecting something a little different.

Decent. A bit hard to get into at times but overall a good read.

I wrote it so I guess I'm a little biased. (smile)

I am too cynical to believe this book.

WOW, I really liked this book!

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