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The Ghost Of Dibble Hollow (1965)

The Ghost of Dibble Hollow (1965)

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About book The Ghost Of Dibble Hollow (1965)

I haven't read this since I was a kid, BUT it popped in my head (random thoughts) so I looked it up and happily found it, same cover and all. When I first got this book it was used, and I think from my mom's or her sister's collection. Anyway, it was a childhood favorite, I remember reading it several times. As a kid I loved the idea of having a friendly ghost friend to have adventures with. I don't know where the book is now, but it was cool to see the other favorable reviews on Goodreads. Although most books nowadays with paranormal/supernatural elements these days are sort of X-rated for me, (*cough* Twilight:), 'The Ghost of Dibble Hollow' was printed in the fifties and is not weird in any way. It is a story that keeps you guessing, (the first time you read it anyway. I've read it at least nine times!), and also makes you laugh out loud, even when it comes to the serious parts. I wish everybody could read it, but due to its old age, it's probly not in print anymore...:(

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Read as a child and have been looking for it for my daughter to read! Loved it!

What a wonderful childhood book about ghosts.

On of my all time favorites from childhood

One of my fondest childhood reads...

A great kids and adult book

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