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The Garden On Sunset (2011)

The Garden on Sunset (2011)

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3.83 of 5 Votes: 4
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1466218959 (ISBN13: 9781466218956)

About book The Garden On Sunset (2011)

I really enjoyed this book! I liked the time period of the 1920's and it was interesting to read the author's ideas about early Hollywood, CA. I didn't know all of the actors and actresses that were mentioned but that didn't take away from the story at all and it was neat to hear the thoughts about what popular actresses and actors would have done or been like in the 20's. I loved the characters and this was a story that I was sad to see end. So This book was picked for our book club, given that it is a male author I wouldn't have picked it. I must confess however that I'm glad my friend picked this book. This was a great read, very surprising and insightful. I learned alot about this time period. My other members didn't realize this is a historical fiction and very happy with what they read so far. great read. totally recomened this book.

Do You like book The Garden On Sunset (2011)?

A fun read for a cold winter day - I will probably read the rest of the series.

LOVED LOVED LOVED This Book! Can't WAIT for The Trouble with Scarlett!!!!!

Fun read. Ending a bit weak but it kept me turning the pages.

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