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The Flying Beaver Brothers And The Fishy Business (2012)

The Flying Beaver Brothers and the Fishy Business (2012)

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0375864482 (ISBN13: 9780375864483)
Knopf Books for Young Readers

About book The Flying Beaver Brothers And The Fishy Business (2012)

Beaver brothers Ace and Bub must stop an evil company from eating up every tree on Beaver Island. Trying to keep up with consumer demand, Fish Stix company is chopping up all the trees on Beaver Island to make an "environmentally friendly" children's toy. Bub and Ace aren't buying it. With a little investigating, the Beaver brothers solve this environmental crime and save their home from environmental evils. "The Flying Beaver Brothers and the Fishy Business" is appropriate for ages 6+ (Grades 1+). The Flying Beaver Brothers introduce readers to consumerism and environmental issues in a fun, entertaining way. The brothers are quirky, humorous, and matter-of-fact. There is a lot of dry adult humor in the book that I'm not sure a 6 year-old would understand. Twice, I had to refer back to previous pages to understand the jokes the two beaver brothers share. I would recommend using this book as supplemental materials in a 4th-5th grade classroom. This book will give readers a different perspective on greed and current issues that will allow them to understand environmental impacts. Any fan of Maxwell Eaton will still be a fan after reading The Flying Beaver Brothers and the Fishy Business. In the second beaver book the brothers discover something suspicious on the island. It seems greed and fame will be the end of the island. Good thing Ace is investigating. In typical Eaton style there is a bit of humor through the book and an environmental message is given without any preachiness.

Do You like book The Flying Beaver Brothers And The Fishy Business (2012)?

I thought this was better than the first one! I want to read the third one now. (age 8).

Wow, love the message, humor, wit and pictures. Loving this graphic novel series!

Summer 2012 #bookaday #43

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